Editor’s note: The suggested dates for the Week of Prayer for the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions are Sept. 12-19. The 2021-22 GOTM goal is $2.1 million.
By Matt Tullos
Special Assistant to the Executive Director, TBMB
As we begin the journey to 2.1 million dollars raised through the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions, here are 21 reasons why we are asking all our churches to give generously.
1. We are planting new churches. Through this season of the pandemic, we’ve seen new churches begin. There are pockets of Tennessee with no evangelical churches. Planting new churches is difficult, but amazing things are happening!
2. We have over one million people in Tennessee who are immigrants or refugees. What an opportunity to reach people with different languages, cultures, and faiths! The world is coming to Tennessee!
3. This is an opportunity for your church to widen her impact on Tennessee. When we work together, we can do so much more!
4. The floods of ’21. Did you know that our state has been impacted more than any other state in the flooding disasters? The numbers are growing. People have lost property, valuables, and even family members. We have an opportunity to be with them through the long haul of recovery and share the love of Jesus.
5. It’s a fact! When your church gives through the Golden Offering, people become even more aware of the needs all over our state. They will be motivated not only to give, but to find a way to reach their own communities for Christ.
6. Last year we had over 1,200 churches give through the Golden Offering, but we have over 1,500 churches that didn’t give. What an opportunity for new churches to join us in this effort to win Tennessee!
7. There are over 350,000 reasons! That’s how many college students we have right here in Tennessee. Most of them are unchurched and we have a plan to reach them. We just need the resources.
8. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the special-needs population here in Tennessee. They are often overlooked. GOTM will bridge the gap for so many special-needs ministries and events.
9. A vast majority of our churches are coming through the pandemic with a need for revitalization. GOTM will help equip our coaches on the frontlines of church revitalization.
10. Our state is not only in recovery from COVID-19, but we also have a drug epidemic. Tennessee ranks 3rd in the nation in prescription drug abuse. We are funding ministries to give people a second chance at sobriety and restoration.
11. We Stand for Life. The Golden Offering allows us to give to ministries that support women and families amid a crisis pregnancy situation. We want to remove all obstacles of families choosing life.
12. Job training infused with evangelism. When you give, we can support scores of people helping those who need training while also sharing the message of the gospel.
13. Evangelism training and events will happen. Through the Golden Offering, we will be equipping people to share their faith outside the walls of their church.
14. High school students. Full stop. We must reach the next generation, evangelize teens, and train them for the future. We can do this by training youth ministry leaders through evangelistic events and apologetics training.
15. The Jesus Tent. Funds from GOTM provide resources, training, and facilitation for this once-a-year effort at Bonnaroo.
16. Poverty is growing and our compassion ministry partners desperately rely on GOTM funds to help at-risk families and community while sharing the gospel along the way.
17. New leader training and support. We are equipping pastors and leaders to be more effective in their evangelistic efforts and to provide opportunities for them to get away and experience personal revival.
18. Our great associations. Every year we provide funds to associations to grow churches, evangelize and lead.
19. Future disasters. If the coronavirus taught us anything, it is that disasters do come in many forms, and they are rarely predictable. Disaster Relief trains volunteers and equips them for tomorrow’s disasters.
20. Bivocational Pastors. These men represent a vast number of our churches. GOTM helps them as they lead complex ministries with limited time, because we all know there’s no such thing as a part-time pastor.
21. YOU! We know that when we give, we receive the joy of generosity! Join us and see how God changes your heart and fills your life with mysterious joy. We promise, you won’t regret it. B&R