Tennessee WMU elected officers for 2024-2025 during Get-Together. Pictured here, from left, are president Ramona Hicks; secretary Linda Rader; vice presidents Anna Huggins, Kim Griffin and Sandy Louden; and executive board members Cathy Huggins and Heather McAfee.
The Tennessee WMU 136th annual meeting was held on April 12, 2024 during the Missions Get-Together Friday morning general session at Brentwood Baptist Church, Brentwood. (Coverage: HERE)
The meeting included highlights of the work of Tennessee WMU (written report can be found at tnbaptist.org) and the following state leaders were elected:
Tennessee WMU Officers for 2024-2025
President: Ramona Hicks, Cookeville, Hampton’s Crossroads Baptist Church, Stone Association (3rd term)
Recording Secretary: Linda Rader, Murfreesboro, Green Hill Baptist Church, Concord Association (3rd term)
Vice Presidents:
East: Anna Huggins, Erwin, Calvary Baptist Church, Holston Association (1st term)
Middle: Kim Griffin, Sparta, The River Sparta, Union Association (3rd term)
West: Sandy Louden, Springville, McRae’s Chapel Outdoorsman BC, Western District Association (4th term)
Tennessee WMU Executive Board Members for 2024-2028
WMU Representatives:
Cathy Huggins, Beech Bluff, Unity Baptist Church, Jacks Creek, Madison-Chester Association
Jenice Pearson, Oak Ridge, Calvary Baptist Church, Clinton Association
Member At-Large:
Heather McAfee, Cookeville, The River Community Church, Stone Association
For more on Tennessee WMU, visit the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board website at www.tnbaptist.org/wmu.