By Connie Davis Bushey
News Editor, Baptist and Reflector
MILTON — Nathan Hale, pastor of Milton Baptist Church here, preached Sunday, Jan. 4, though he and his family lost their house in Murfreesboro and most of their belongings to fire just two days before.
He preached wearing clothes given to him and using a New Testament he had at the church.
“It didn’t occur to me not to,” said Hale, who has served as a pastor for 50 years.
“We’re doing well. The community, the church, and the association has been wonderful to us. … We’re so grateful that nobody was injured,” said Hale, who has been pastor of Milton Baptist for 10 years.
The Hales have insurance. Nearly everything in the house was destroyed in the fire which began at about 6 p.m. while Hale was gone. The family living at the house include Hale, his wife Eva, an adult son, and a grandson. They are staying with the Hales’ daughter who lives in Milton.
Hale preached on Jan. 4 from Philippians 3:12-14 which encourages Christians to forget about what is behind them and to reach forward to what lies ahead.
He said these verses were on his mind after the fire, and applied to people entering a new year though their message also “had to do with my situation.”
Currently, “we’re just recovering,” Hale observed.
When the weather warms up and the insurance company approves, he and other family members will go to what remains of the house and sort through the debris to locate anything recoverable, he added..
Thankfully, when he retired in 2002 from the pastorate of Immanuel Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, he stored commentaries and other books for ministry and they are still stored.
“It’s just one of those terrible things that happen. … I appreciate everything everybody has done and they’ve taken care of us very well. … We’re going to be alright,” said Hale.