FRANKLIN — The Tennessee Baptist Mission Board (TBMB) has announced a new wave of staffing changes as part of its ongoing restructuring efforts. These changes are aimed at aligning the organization with the ministry priorities established by Tennessee Baptists.
The recent adjustments (see adjacent chart on pages 7-8) include a mix of new hires and reassigned roles among current staff members. Much of the reorganization is tied to the Acts 2:17 Initiative, focused on equipping churches with resources to thrive in their ministries.
The restructuring included the elimination of 13 positions — 10 of which resulted from resignations or retirements.
“We continue the process of aligning our TBMB staff with the priorities set forth at the 2024 Tennessee Baptist Convention,” said Randy C. Davis, president and executive director of the TBMB. “I believe we’ve created a strong team that will move us forward in our mission to strengthen and multiply gospel leaders, evangelistic disciples, and healthy churches. These areas encompass a wide range of ministries, from children’s programs and Vacation Bible School to missions and compassion initiatives.”
The announcement follows personnel changes that were revealed two weeks ago, which included some layoffs of long-term staff members. Davis noted that these decisions were made to “reallocate resources toward roles needed to support the initiative’s mission.”
“Our reality is to strategically and effectively engage the vision we believe God has set for Tennessee Baptists,” Davis explained in his recent Clarity column, “we must reduce our current TBMB staffing by approximately 15%. It may sound counterintuitive, but this is a case of multiplication by subtraction. Once these transitions are complete, the number of people involved in assisting churches will grow.”
The restructured model places a greater emphasis on creating a statewide network of ministry coaches and practitioners who can provide localized and contextualized value to churches with diverse needs, Davis said.
“I believe the network will be a game changer,” he added. “Our goal is for this network of ministry consultants to be established and active by mid-2025.”
While the chart highlights additions and updates to staff responsibilities, several existing ministry leaders will continue in their current roles. These include Beth Moore (compassion ministry), Wes Jones (Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief), and Vickie Anderson (Woman’s Missionary Union).
According to Davis, the response to the initial reorganization announcements has been “overwhelmingly positive,” and the focus now shifts to enabling staff and churches to implement these initiatives.
“I want to thank everyone who has reached out to offer words of encouragement, counsel, and to ask clarifying questions,” Davis said. “Your wisdom and counsel are a blessing to our mission. I believe we are heading in a strong direction — one that aligns with the mandate given to us by Tennessee Baptists and helps us become a collaborative network of spiritually healthy churches reaching Tennessee and beyond for Christ.”
Here’s a closer look at the TBMB’s new staff members and those who have switched to new roles as part of the Acts 2:17 restructuring:
Jay Barbier
New position: Harvest Field 3 Team Leader
Previous position with TBMB: Youth Specialist
Position summary: Will assist the local church and associations serving churches by multiplying gospel leaders to advance God’s Kingdom. … Will also build and maintain relationships with pastors and church leaders across the state.
William Burton
New position: Harvest Field 7 Team Leader for Ethnic Churches
Previous position with TBMB: New Churches Team Leader/ Ethnic Church Planting and Evangelism Specialist/ Harvest Field 7 Team Leader
Position summary: Will prayerfully and collaboratively serve ethnic churches, Anglo churches, associations, strategic partners and gospel leaders to make Christ known so that Tennesseans can hear the gospel.
Roc Collins
New position: Evangelism Team Leader and Special Assistant to the Executive Director
Previous position with TBMB: Strategic Objectives Director
Position summary: Will collaborate with Tennessee Baptists to promote evangelism in the state and to help equip evangelistic disciples until every Tennessean hears the gospel. … Additionally will serve as an ambassador to Tennessee Baptists at the direction of the executive director.
Daryl Crouch
New position: Strengthening Churches Team Leader
Previous position with TBMB: N/A (new staff member)
Position summary: Will provide leadership to the Healthy Churches Strengthening Team in developing a strategy for strengthening churches and church leaders across the TBC network.
David Dawson
New position: Managing Editor, Baptist and Reflector
Previous position with TBMB: Communications Specialist
Position summary: Will coordinate content for the Baptist and Reflector, both the print edition and the website. … Will write stories for both outlets and will design the newspaper. … Will collaborate with B&R editor Chris Turner on content.
Josh Franks
New position: Minister Development Team Leader
Previous position with TBMB: Harvest Field 2 Team Leader
Position summary: Will provide leadership to the Gospel Leaders Multiplying Team in developing a strategy for multiplying gospel leaders across the TBC network.
Jon Hawkins
New position: Human Resources Manager
Previous position with TBMB: Training and Volunteer Coordinator
Position summary: Will plan, organize and oversee all activities of the Human Resources office, ensuring compliance with labor laws and company policies. … Will identify areas to become more efficient in both the daily work of our HR Team and our TBMB staff while fostering employee engagement and satisfaction.
Steve Holt
New position: Church Services Director (expanded role)
Previous position with TBMB: Church Services Director
Position summary: Will assist in giving leadership and oversight to the implementation of the Acts 2:17 strategic vision for the future. … Will also provide overall supervision to the Harvest Fields, Gospel Leaders, Evangelistic Disciples and Healthy Churches teams.
Ryan Keaton
New position: Discipleship Team Leader
Previous position with TBMB: Emerging Generations Specialist
Position summary: Will provide leadership in developing a strategy for strengthening biblical discipleship across TBC Network. … Will serve as a connector of leaders, catalyst for evangelistic momentum through discipleship, and coach to those engaged in discipleship ministry.
Lewis McMullen
New position: Church Planting Team Leader
Former position with TBMB: Church Planting Specialist
Position summary: Will assist and help facilitate for churches the planting of new congregations across Tennessee. … Will work with churches to identify people/places where new churches are needed, assist in the recruiting and training of church planters and help churches and associations develop a church planting strategy.
Phillip Smith
New position: Harvest Field 5 Team Leader
Former position with TBMB: N/A (new staff member)
Position summary: Will assist the local Church and Associations serving churches so that, together, we can develop a collaborative network of healthy churches serving every pastor, every member, every parent, and every leader until every Tennessean hears the gospel. … Will be encourager, networker, servant, and partner.
Joe Sorah
New position: Minister Wellness Team Leader
Former position with TBMB: Harvest Field Ministry Team Leader
Position summary: Will provide leadership in developing a strategy to connect with every ministerial leader in our network of churches for the purpose of strengthening them in the work. The emphasis will be to holistically assist our leaders to help them achieve better comprehensive health.
Chris Turner
New position: Editor of the Baptist and Reflector (along with duties as Communications Director)
Previous position with TBMB: Communications Director
Position summary: Will support the communications efforts of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board. … Will lead the B&R’s effort to tell the story of Tennessee Baptists.
Zoë Watkins
New position: Communications Specialist
Former position with TBMB: N/A (new staff member)
Position summary: Will cultivate and create news, editorial, and feature content for the Baptist and Reflector, both for print and online. … Additionally, will also develop B&R podcast content and help coordinate strategic social media initiatives that strengthen the TBMB’s digital presence.
Russ Wilkins
New position: Harvest Field 2 Team Leader
Former position with TBMB: N/A (new staff member)
Position summary: Will come alongside Associational and Church leadership to be a resource, to encourage and equip them to have their greatest Kingdom impact. … Will partner, serve, network and collaborate as we build a healthy network of leaders serving associations, churches, pastors, ministers, and members.