By Gene Price
Pastor, Tumbling Creek Baptist Church, Gleason
Jesus is preparing the disciples for His return to heaven. Jesus knew that it would be a troubling time in the disciples’ lives as they faced life and death without His physical presence. He knew there would be fear in their hearts. Jesus tells them how to have peace.
Belief in Jesus brings peace in troubled times. God loved us and cares so much for us that He left heaven and came down to earth to live among us. Jesus is God with skin on His face. Even the demons believe in Jesus (James 2:19) but when Jesus said, “Believe also in Me,” it means to put one’s trust in or commit one’s self to Him.” Dr. Paul Powell commenting on verse 6 once said, “I am the way — without Jesus there is no going. I am the truth — without Jesus there is no knowing. I am the life — without Jesus there is no growing.” Trusting Jesus gives us faith to face all kinds of troubled times in our lives. A person cannot have the peace of God (Philippians 4:6-7) until he/she has made peace with God (Romans 5:1).
Belief in heaven brings peace in troubled times. When we face troubled times, we are to remind ourselves that this world is not my home — “I’m just passing through.” The old saying is so true, “Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.” What is in store for us as believers? Look at our current dwelling place. God created it with a spoken word. Yet in verse 3 the word “prepare” means continuous action. God created this world with a spoken word and it is so beautiful. How much more beautiful should heaven be since Jesus has been working on it for over 2,000 years. In Revelation 21:1-3, John describes heaven. Heaven is a beautiful place. It is a place with no sickness, death, or pain. It is a place of uninterrupted and unhindered fellowship. Renown Southern Baptist pastor R. G. Lee once said that “heaven was the most beautiful and marvelous place that the wisdom of God could conceive, and that the power of God could prepare.” Billy Graham has said, “Heaven is a wonderful place and the benefits for the believer are out of this world!”
Belief in the resurrection brings peace in troubled times. In verse 3, Jesus promises to come back and take us where He is. The world will see Jesus again. One day He will return in power and in glory. When He comes again He will receive us unto Himself. What that means is when a Christian dies; his body is placed into the ground and returns to the dust. But his spirit goes on to heaven to be with God. Paul said, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” Jesus said to the thief on the cross, “Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.” Knowing Jesus brings peace in troubled times.