By Brent Moore
Pastor to Adults, First Baptist Church, Clarksville
Focal Passage: Zechariah 13:1-9
Have you ever found yourself in a place hazardous to your health? Maybe it is an unsafe neighborhood, an emotionally unhealthy job, or just someplace you feel you are in imminent physical danger. Then you in some small way can identify with the false prophets in Zechariah’s day. God was cleansing the house of David from sin and impurity and if you found yourself on the side of unrighteousness you were running for cover. False prophets were lying about their occupation, hiding evidence of their craft, and even their own parents would turn on them. These prophets were being judged for their deception; making way for God to enact His own refining work on the people of God.
“There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way to death (Proverbs 14:12).” The false prophets in the book of Zechariah were wrong, but how many thought they were right until they heard judgment is coming? Our hearts are prone to deception. Deceiving others and oftentimes deceiving ourselves. When God announces judgment is coming, it is always an opportunity for all to inspect their hearts. Wise people ask the Lord to search and see if there are any wicked ways in them.
The judgment and refining of people in the text of Zechariah come from the same source which is God. God pours His wrath out on “My shepherd,” which is clearly referenced in the New Testament as the cross of Christ. God strikes the chief shepherd, “the man who is My associate,” to bring healing. Isaiah says, “it pleased the Lord to bruise him.” In the same passage the Scriptures say, “with his stripes we are healed.” Initially it might seem strange that from the same hand come both life and death, but it is the way Scripture presents the work of God. From the death of God’s Son comes life for all who put their trust in the Lord.
The blessings of the cross are ultimately received by the followers of Christ in spite of their scattering when He was led to Golgotha Even if we are faithless, He remains faithful. For God cannot deny a child of His. Often what seems like defeat of the purposes of God is really the means by which God is working all things for His glory. This is good news to the faithful who feel God is punishing them when He actually is refining them. From the earthly perspective judgment and refining look the same. Both come from the same God, are extremely unpleasant, and open to interpretation from all kinds of sources. But from a heavenly perspective judgment and refining have a massively different outcome both in this life and in the life to come.
God is kind, gracious, and patient with His people. We may find ourselves looking at the glaring faults of the church, or noticing obstinate people in our congregation, or even recognizing idols in our own hearts. God does not want us to be discouraged because He is taking the long view in mind. God will refine us, God will test us, and in due time all will be set right.
In the meantime we are to look to the heavens. From whence does our help come from? We are the people who call on the name of the Lord. He always answers us and says, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to Me” (II Corinthians 6:18).
— Moore is pastor to adults at First Baptist Church, Clarksville.