MORRISTOWN — Nolachucky Baptist Association’s Woman’s Missionary Union will sponsor a “Mental Health Mission Field: Mobilizing the Church for Healing” conference on Oct. 12 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at First Baptist Church, Morristown.
The meeting also is supported by Tennessee Woman’s Missionary Union.
The keynote speaker will be Heather Evans, a licensed clinical social worker with more than 20 years’ experience, specializing in sexual trauma and sex trafficking. She is the author of two books on complex trauma and post-traumatic growth in sex trafficking survivors and is the creator of the Voices of Survivors Project. Evans also served on the SBC Sexual Abuse Task Force in 2021-22 and as an advisor to the SBC Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force in 2022-24.
The meeting also will feature numerous breakout sessions on a number of mental health issues and a resource fair.
The registration fee is $20 and covers admission, conferences, breakout sessions and lunch. To register, call Annette at 423-585-7163 or Martha at 423-312-3383.
Attendees also can register on the day of the event. B&R