By Lonnie Wilkey
Editor, Baptist and Reflector
Baptist Press released an article this week on results of a survey addressing the effectiveness of Baptist associations.
Like any survey, it pointed out both positive and negative aspects. While most church leaders believe associations are “a good kingdom investment,” others are struggling to find the relevancy of Baptist associations, according to the story.
That’s not surprising. Any survey, if it is conducted properly, will gather a wide range of opinions. Those who praise the association and its work are, more than likely, people who have been involved on the local level and have seen the association at work. Those who are not as involved locally may or may not know much about the Baptist association.
Like anything else, there are associations that are highly effective and those that “get by.”
Tennessee Baptists are blessed to have some really good Baptist associations across the state. We have directors of missions committed to helping the churches in their association grow and to be effective in reaching their communities for Christ.
Pray for the 65 Baptist associations in Tennessee and their leaders as they do their part in reaching the nearly four million people in our state who have no relationship with Jesus Christ. Churches, associations, and state conventions are most effective when we pray for each other and work together to share the good news of Jesus Christ.