By Lonnie Wilkey
Editor, Baptist and Reflector
We Baptists are a unique group.
Most of the time, we don’t have the faith to move a mountain (which Scripture says is possible), but we have the uncanny ability of making a mountain out of a mole hill at any given time.
We do it in our individual lives as well as corporately. Many a congregation has argued over what color a carpet or pew pad should be and seen members leave because the “wrong” color was chosen.
And, we all have been in denominational convention meetings when budgets for millions of dollars have been approved with little or no debate, yet how a resolution is worded is debated for what seems like an eternity.
Just this week I read an article about Charleston Southern University, a Baptist college in South Carolina, that is dealing with a public relations nightmare. The crisis probably could have been averted if all parties involved had exercised a little common sense and a lot of prayer.
Instead, the story was played out in the media and everyone is a loser when that happens.
I have come to learn over the years that when Baptists make mountains out of mole hills, the only winner is Satan. His desire is for us to be distracted by the mole hills in order that we do not focus on our primary task of leading people to faith in Jesus Christ.
In life, we will have enough mountains to climb, without adding the ones we make out of the mole hills.
As Baptists, let us spend more time moving mountains with our faith and allow the mole hills to remain what they are — simply mole hills.