By Carolyn Tomlin
Contributing Columnist, B&R
I watched as a pair of mockingbirds built a nest near a window of our home. When time came for the female to lay eggs and stay on the nest, the male brought her tasty insects. But other than food, he sang to her. Long into the night, he serenaded her with a wide repertoire of melodies. Later when the three fledglings hatched, the parents provided small tidbits of worms. And during a heavy rain the mother covered the babies with her wings.
Watching, I was reminded of how mothers — and parents — care for their young. As the child grows and develops, needs change. However, some basic requirements remain the same until the child grows into an adult. Are you using this Scripture in Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go …” as a model for your home? [Read more…]