By David Evans
TBC Staff
In the New Testament, the nature of evangelism is organic (natural and irregular). Evangelism should occur naturally from all believers and will occur at irregular times. Evangelism was not something that was programmed. Instead, evangelism was part of personal preparation. The evangelist was prepared because evangelism could happen at anytime with anyone as the Holy Spirit guided.
The heart of the Great Commission is that we are to be prepared to share our faith “while we are going, journeying, traveling, and dying.” The Greek word for “Go” is “poreuomai.” This word is not the main verb of the text but it gives us the nature of when we should be sharing our faith. New Testament evangelism cannot be relegated to a certain time in the confines of a certain activity because for the Christian, it is supposed to occur at any moment with any person.
I am sure that you are thinking that this is an idealistic view, and how would we execute such a movement in our church? I call them “climate changers.” As a pastor for 14 years, I realized that not everyone was going to naturally share their faith to their family and friends, so I created climate changers to encourage such a movement. Climate changers are evangelistic exercises that are little to no cost, easy to execute and fun.
When members of the church experience evangelism that can be so easily accomplished they do get excited and tend to replicate it in their lives with little to no pastoral prompting. Climate changers are little movements that change the climate of the church and community to be more evangelistic.
Over the next few issues of the B&R I will be submitting articles entitled “Climate Changers.” My heart is to equip our pastors and laypeople with ideas that are simple, inexpensive and a lot of fun to exercise. Be sure to watch for the first idea in an upcoming issue of the B&R.
— Evans is evangelism specialist for the Tennessee Baptist Convention. If you would like to connect with your local community contact Evans via e-mail at