By Matt Tullos
Assistant to the executive director, TBMB
It seems like the past two years have been a season of unexpected change and challenge. Who would have expected that we would have seen a racial reckoning, a pandemic, and despite all that, a time of miraculous generosity?
We have been amazed as churches who have experienced so much challenge, change and controversy continued to heighten their passion for Jesus and the Great Commission through missions giving. The fact is, we should have seen it coming.
Tennessee Baptists are a collection of diverse believers. We have liturgical, charismatic, multi-cultural, African American, Hispanic, Anglo, Chinese, Samoan (and a barrel full of other ethnic categories), innovative, Gen-Z, purpose-driven, traditional, NIV, NASB, CEV, KJV only, country, urban, cowboy, organ only, drums acceptable, Crocs OK, loud preaching, truck stop, ties please, jeans the norm, wide-screen, always streaming, house church, hats off, caps OK, multi-site, circuit-riding, Sunday School-centric, small group focused, recovery groups available, hip-hop sounding, gamer-focused, and a thousand other gently nuanced church models.
We are a collection of spirit-filled mutts, who find their true pedigree in Matthew 28:19-20. The Cooperative Program unites us.
Miraculously, Tennessee Baptists set aside all politics, opinions, styles and proclivities for the united purpose of sending missionaries, ministers and evangelists to Tennessee, North America, and the world. We realize that the accuser of the brethren would love to see us shattered into a thousand pieces because he knows we would circle the drain of irrelevance.
We understand there are a few controversies, things we need to get right, and bridges that need to be built; but make no mistake, we aren’t folding our tents and heading to the hills. Why? Because we realize that we are better together. We’ve been that way since 1925, when in Memphis, a group of Baptists put their heads together and found a better way to reach the world.
As of this writing, Tennessee Baptist churches are on a pace to crush last year’s giving through the Cooperative Program, and last year was a really good year, despite all the controversy and COVID. We aren’t going anywhere. What gives us hope in these days?
I believe it’s the invincibility of the Bride. She’s beautiful because she is diverse. The Church would never be effective if we painted ourselves a million shades of beige. We are different, but we are united. We are a mosaic of diversity marked by the brushstrokes of the Savior. Is there anything we can’t do when we work together?
Let’s continue to cooperate together. We refuse to abandon ship when the storm clouds rise. We will come together and adjust the sails appropriately. As the world grows darker, Tennessee Baptists have made a commitment to shine brighter. B&R