Baptist and Reflector
The Council of Korean Southern Baptist Churches in America will meet Monday through Wednesday, June 14-16, at First Baptist Church of Goodlettsville. (Address: 613 S. Main, Goodlettsville).
The 40th anniversary celebration of the Korean Council will start with prayer — and include early-morning prayer each day of the meeting — and will feature worship, Bible study and messages. The theme is “Revive the passion for the Great Commission.”
Guest speakers will include Ki Dong Kim, pastor of Precious (SBC) Community Church of Yorba Linda, Calif., on Monday night, and Edwin Y. Lin, pastor of Shining Star (SBC) Community Church in Falls Church, Va., on Wednesday night.
In addition, Jason Allen, president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, will address the group Tuesday morning. Johnny Hunt, executive vice president for evangelism with the North American Mission Board, will speak Tuesday night.
As usual, Tuesday afternoon will be left open so Korean Southern Baptists can attend the SBC Annual Meeting. Tuesday night will focus on home missions. Wednesday night will include a commissioning service of those newly sent out by the Korean Board of Missions.
Among the many displays set up at the Korean Council’s annual meeting will be one by Pastor Young Hyun Han of Amarillo (Texas) Korean Baptist Church. He has just published Jesus is the Christ in Korean and English. It is a three-month daily devotional that each day asks “why” and “how” questions for a more complete understanding of Scripture.
The Wednesday business session of the Korean Council is to include election of officers, reports from each of its entities – Education, Home Mission Board, Foreign Mission Board and others — and other routine business. B&R