FRANKLIN — Mike Dawson and Troy Rust are writing Sunday School commentaries for the Dec.-Feb. quarter.
Dawson is writing the Bible Studies for Life series while Rust is writing the Explore the Bible lessons.
Dawson is pastor emeritus at First Baptist Church, Columbia, and has served as transitional interim pastor at numerous churches across the state since his retirement from full-time ministry. His pastorates include Dalewood Baptist Church, Nashville. Dawson is a former member of the Executive Board of the Tennessee Baptist Convention (now Tennessee Baptist Mission Board), and has served on the TBC’s Committee on Boards.
Dawson and Jolene, his wife of 62 years, have three children, eight grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
Troy Rust has served as the associational mission strategist (AMS) for Holston Baptist Association in Johnson City since 2020. He served local churches for 24 years, including over 18 years in the pastorate.
He served as a bivocational AMS in North Carolina for four years. He is a two-time graduate of Southern Baptist Theologial Seminary (master of divinity, 2000; doctor of philosopy, 2009).
Rust and his wife, Amy, have been married for 24 years and they have eight children. B&R