By Kenny Bruce
Pastor Emeritus, Leawood East Baptist Church, Memphis
Focal Passage: Isaiah 9:1-3; John 1:1-9
John’s gospel does not begin in time, but in eternity. You find Jesus coming into this world as Light from a heavenly perspective.
I. THE PROPHECY OF THE LIGHT (Isaiah 9:1-3) Because Israel was worshiping false gods, God sent Tiglath-Pilesar from Assyria in 733 BC to conquer the “land of Zebulun” and the “land of Naphtali” in the Northern Kingdom (v. 1), later recognized as Lower and Upper Galilee in the New Testament.
The Israelites were encircled by darkness and gloom. Isaiah prophesies in verse 2 that God’s Light will shine on them. He is referring to Jesus who describes Himself as “the Light of the world” (John 8:12).
Furthermore, He predicts that Jesus would bring joy to the world and likens that “gladness” to the exuberance of the farmers who see an abundant harvest in their fields. He also compares it to the exhilaration felt by soldiers coming home carrying the spoils of battle.
II. THE FULFILLMENT OF THE LIGHT (John 1:1-5) John begins his gospel with the preexistence of Jesus. He was already in existence when the heavens and earth were created. He presents Jesus as the “Word” (1:1, 14). He is God’s final word to mankind (Hebrews 1:1-2).
“The Word was God” is perhaps the clearest declaration of the deity of Jesus found in Scripture (John 1:1).
Christ, the embodiment of eternal life and light, entered this sinful, dark world as the fulfillment of Isaiah 9:1-3. Because He is self-existent, He is the source of life and declared in John 14:6, “I am … the life.”
He imparts spiritual life to those who are dead in their sins. His life in us causes us daily to want to grow spiritually, becoming like Him, and continually motivates us to make Jesus known as our “Light.” God’s Light shines in our hearts to reveal our sin.
His Light also reveals His way, especially through His Word (Psalms 119:105). Walking in His Light furthermore guarantees our fellowship with one another (1 John 1:7).
Jesus commanded us in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine before men…” The darkness of this world cannot overcome the Light (John 1:5). The goal of darkness is to prevent the Light from entering human souls. Like a candle that dispels the darkness, Jesus, our eternal Light, overcame the darkness through His resurrection.
III. THE WITNESS OF THE LIGHT (John 1:6-9) John the Baptist was sent from God. He was a priest, a prophet, and a Nazarite who epitomized both life and light. John’s mission was to come as a witness to testify about the Light that all men might believe through Him (v. 7).
Witnesses are called to testify about what they know. John the Baptist testified that Jesus was the Light, thus preparing the hearts of the people for the Messiah by calling for their repentance (Matthew 3:1). Jesus, as light, enlightens every man (John 1:9).
Only those who see the Light and believe in His Name are born again out of the darkness into the marvelous Light. Shine, Jesus, shine! B&R