Focal Passage: Matthew 2:1-11; 16-18
The very “first CHRISTmas” was over. Jesus’ birthday had come to pass. Some research scientists of that day had gotten word of it, and had traveled a long way to see the newborn Child. Even though theirs was an after CHRISTmas visit, it was memorable: they had sojourned many miles to WORSHIP that Baby!
Our calendars also say CHRISTmas 2024 has “come to pass,” yet today we’re studying a lesson entitled “Looking Forward to Worship.”
Why is this? It’s because the Looking Forward to CHRISTmas series is not just about anticipating a day on the calendar; it’s about participating in an ongoing worship celebration of Jesus’ incarnation. It’s more than one day; we’re told in Scripture to “continually offer the sacrifice of praise” (Hebrews 13:15).
Our focal text is Matthew 2:1-11; 16-18, “the visit of the wise men.” Those research scientists had studied an unusual star formation and had concluded that it was the sign of a newborn king, worthy of their worship. This is their story.
In fact, it’s the story of wise men AND fools!
Verses 1-11. The wise: seeking to worship The SOVEREIGN
During CHRISTmas in my boyhood years at church, I often donned a flannel robe and put on a glittering crown that Mama had made out of cardboard. A couple of friends would be dressed similarly; we were of course depicting “the three kings .” Sometimes we even tried to sing, We Three Kings of Orient Are. Most everyone knows now that the Bible doesn’t mention three men; there could have been just two, or several. And they weren’t kings; they were magi — wise astronomer-types of that day. And they weren’t “Orientals,” either!
But we do know they were wise men: (1) They searched the skies for signs of the King. (2) They were guided by the light from heaven. (3) They traveled far and wide until they found JESUS. (4) They bowed at His feet and worshiped Him. (5) They gave Him their treasures, gifts truly fit for a KING, items that symbolize His Kingliness and even His death. (6) Then they departed “different” from how they arrived. Read back over those things; are they not six steps any of us should take in worshiping Jesus this season?
Verses 16-18. The foolish: seeking to worship SELF
Herod and his cohorts revealed things that fools do at the mention of Christ and CHRISTmas. They MAKE trouble (remember verse 3). They FAKE religion (think back on verse 8). They attempt to TAKE Christ “out” (verse 16). And they BREAK hearts and homes (verses 17-18). Grinch-like Herod and his bloody men represent the Satanic, self-centered activity that surface every CHRISTmas. Let’s rebuke and resist such foolishness.
True story: A town put on a well-attended outdoor pageant every CHRISTmas. One year they decided the wise men would carry incense censers for effect. But the streaming smoke set off the town fire alarms. Firetrucks screamed up and firefighters rolled out hoses. Finally it was known what had happened, and everything settled down. But the crowd distinctly heard the fire chief say with irritation, “You wise men have set off alarms all over town!”
That’s still happening among the wise and foolish today. The CHRISTmas Gospel delights wise men — and disturbs fools! B&R — Dawson is pastor emeritus at First Baptist Church, Columbia, and has served as transitional interim pastor at numerous churches since his retirement from full-time ministry.