Ken Weathersby, right, Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee vice president for convention advancement, witnesses to local youth attending a block party June 13 at North Linden Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio. The event was part of Crossover 2015, a series of evangelistic events held prior to the two-day Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting June 16-17 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
– Photo by Paul W. Lee
By Lonnie Wilkey
Editor, Baptist and Reflector
COLUMBUS, Ohio – At least 345 individuals prayed to receive Christ as a result of Crossover 2015.
Crossover is an evangelistic thrust held in the city hosting the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. Events were held for several days, but the major thrust occurred on Saturday, June 13.
Rich Halcombe, director of missions for Metro Columbus (Ohio) Baptist Association, told messengers at the annual meeting on June 16 that the goal of Crossover was “to ramp up what God was already doing here.”
“We believe that has happened,” he said. “On Saturday the gospel was shared more on that one day than it has ever been shared in one day in the city of Columbus,” he noted.
Joel Southerland, executive director of evangelism strategies for the North American Mission Board, based in Alpharetta, Ga., said Crossover is designed to see people come to Christ and to have a positive impact on the city.
Southerland shared that on Saturday there were 3,385 Crossover volunteers who knocked on more than 10,000 doors in the Columbus area and had 4,950 gospel conversations, resulting in more than 345 professions of faith.
SBC President Ronnie Floyd observed that “God has received so much glory” as a result of Crossover 2015.