Focal Passage: Psalm 40:1-11
Do you have an attitude of gratitude? Or is it more of a “grrrr-attitude?” This week’s lesson on The ATTITUDE in Worship, from Psalm 40:1-11, could help you settle that question. We’re in a series called The Heart of Worship, and frankly, the study today is one of my favorites in the entire series.
Is Psalm 40 “Messianic”? Not everyone thinks so. Messianic passages in the Old Testament are called such because they’re quoted by or about Jesus the Messiah in the New Testament. And there are three verses of this Psalm that are directly referenced in the New Testament. Verses 6-8 are quoted and commented on in Hebrews 10:5-10. Some scholars conclude that even more of this Psalm is prophecy about Christ.
For example, one could see His coming into the world (verses 6-8), the cries of His soul in bearing our sins during crucifixion (verses 1-2), and His conquering death by rising triumphantly — singingly! — from the grave (verses 3-4). Our being commissioned to go tell the story might be seen in verse 5! (By the way, I think the Psalm is gloriously Messianic.)
Some critics of the Bible claim a “contradiction” when the writer of Hebrews uses the phrase “You prepared a body for Me” (Hebrews 10:5) instead of the Psalmist’s “You open my ears” (Psalm 40:6). Could it be that the Psalmist was referring to the custom of a slave showing his devotion to remain with his master by having his ear pierced with an awl? (Exodus 21:6) And that when the author of Hebrews saw that phrase, he thought of Jesus’ body — The Suffering Servant, pierced for our sins on the cross? If so, both Bible writers were seeing the same image.
Yet let’s not be so engaged in these great prophetic truths that we miss the Psalmist’s personal, beautiful call to worship. His is THE ATTITUDE we all need when as God’s thankful people we enter into worship.
As a child I was fascinated that at the back of our hymnal (the old Broadman) was a page of musical “Amens.” One was called the “Seven-fold Amen.” I looked it up; it was on page 503! I believe Psalm 40 reveals a “seven-fold amen” about worship. Come to God like the Psalmist did, and your worship attitude will be just right! He said, “Lord…
… I thank You (verses 1-3): “You heard my cry, You lifted me up, You gave me a song!”
… I trust You (verse 4): “Happy is the man who trusts in You!”
… I think about You (verse 5) “Your works and plans for us are more than can be told!”
… I treasure You (verses 6-8): “I delight to do Your will, my God!”
… I testify of You (verses 9-10): “I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly!”
… I take You (verse 11a): “Do not withhold Your compassion from me!”
… I travel with You (verse 11b): “Your constant love and truth will always guard me!”
Dr. E.V. Hill, great African-American pastor, preached at many SBC meetings. I remember him often saying — after making a powerful point but not getting much response — “An ‘AMEN’ belongs here!” For a worship attitude adjustment, try reading aloud each of the above seven statements, and saying “Amen” after each one! B&R — Dawson is pastor emeritus at First Baptist Church, Columbia, and has served as transitional interim pastor at numerous churches since his retirement from full-time ministry.