From Union University News Office
JACKSON, Tenn. — Union University president Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver and three other Union faculty members were initial signers of the Nashville Statement released Aug. 29 that affirms biblical teaching on issues pertaining to gender and sexuality.
The statement, released by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, counts among its initial signatories such evangelical leaders as John Piper, D.A. Carson, R. Albert Mohler Jr., James Dobson, Russell Moore, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Steve Gaines and dozens of others.
“The Nashville Statement provides biblical clarity and compassion about these issues in a time when it is needed most,” Oliver said. “At Union, we always want to speak the truth in love.
“When many want to avoid issues of biblical marriage, sexuality and gender (or try to claim there is some third way), we want to conform our lives to God’s Word. In doing so Union hopes to bring true life and light to a world that desperately needs it.”
Other initial signers from Union were Nathan Finn, dean of Union’s School of Theology and Missions; C. Ben Mitchell, the Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy; and Hunter Baker, associate professor of political science.
The Nashville Statement consists of 14 articles, each with an affirmation and a denial, written “in the hope of serving Christ’s church and witnessing publicly to the good purposes of God for human sexuality revealed in Christian Scripture,” according to its preamble.
The entire statement is available here.