FRANKLIN —With two months to go in the 2023-24 Golden Offering for Tennessee Baptist Missions fiscal year, gifts through GOTM have exceeded $2.3 million for the first time in its history.
As of June 30, GOTM gifts from Tennessee Baptist Convention churches totaled $2,309,506.88, breaking last year’s record gifts of $2,262,288.
“With two months, it is remarkable that we have already set a new record for giving to GOTM and have passed $2.3 million for the first time,” said Vickie Anderson, executive director-treasurer of Tennessee Woman’s Missionary Union.
“Thank you, Tennessee Baptists, for continuing to give faithfully and generously to the Golden Offering. It is exciting to see Tennessee Baptists working together to reach our state for Christ through their gifts, prayers and hands-on ministry,” she said.
Randy C. Davis president and executive director of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board observed that “Tennessee Baptists fully understand that our great state is indeed a mission field, anyway you slice it.
“The Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions has experienced phenomenal growth for nearly a decade because of the cooperative, collaborative and sacrificial effort of our wonderful network of churches,” Davis continued.
“I am very thankful for the pastors and ministry leaders that are leading out in this sacred effort,” he added.
Matt Tullos, stewardship specialist for the TBMB noted that “exceeding our all-time total makes a powerful statement about the passion of Tennessee Baptist churches to make an eternal impact right here in Tennessee.
“We’ve seen hundreds of new churches join us in this effort, and we’re excited about the new ministries and church plants that will begin because these churches gave sacrificially to win Tennessee,” Tullos said.
“The Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions is all about the future and this resonates with our churches and our associations,” he added.
Gifts for this year’s GOTM will be collected through Aug. 31. The goal for the 2023-24 offering is $2.7 million. B&R — Lonnie Wilkey