By Carolyn Tomlin
Contributing Columnist, B&R
Rudyard Kipling once wrote, “God could not be everywhere, and therefore, he made mothers.
Celebrated the second Sunday of May, Mother’s Day is recognized as a special time we pay tribute to our mothers. Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, recognized as the founder of Mother’s Day, petitioned Congress in 1914 to set aside this date to honor those women to whom we owe so much.
A “mother” is not only the person who gave you birth, but she is the one who cared for you as a child. This may include aunts, grandmothers, foster mothers, or neighbor women who nurtured a lonely child. Some of the best “mothers” I’ve known never had biological children, yet in every sense of the word, they were truly mothers.
Godly mothers leave a legacy that lasts, not only for her children, but for her grandchildren and great grandchildren, and even other family members whose lives she touches. Like a circle without end, lessons taught and morals and values learned continue and are handed down to future generations.
Often in today’s “Me” generation, people seek selfish outlets that fail to bring happiness and satisfaction to life. We may find pleasure in things of the world instead of heavenly pursuits. However, those raised in a Christian home see life differently.
Many leaders of our country give honor to the importance of their mothers in their lives. Abraham Lincoln reflected on his own mother with these words: “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.”
Reflect on these statements and questions as you remember your mother on this day:
In what ways did she teach you to love God?
How did your mother teach compassion for others?
In what ways did she teach you the value of good, honest work?
Reflect back on Christian role models learned at home.
If you are fortunate that your mother is still living, how can you express your appreciation for her today?
If your mother has gone to be with Jesus, how can you continue to honor her memory and share her life with others?
Thank God for the heritage of a Christian mother. Proverbs 31:28 states, “Her children arise and called her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”
— Tomlin lives in Jackson where she writes for the Christian market and teaches writing workshops. Contact her at