By Ann Lovell
IMB internal communications director
IMB missionaries and staff pledged $802,700 to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering through an internal campaign that began Sept. 23 and ended Nov. 30. The campaign, which allowed missionaries and U.S.-based staff to make their pledges confidentially, indicates their high level of commitment to the Revelation 7:9 vision and sets an example for Southern Baptists, said IMB President Paul Chitwood.
“Our IMB missionaries around the world and our stateside support staff wanted to lead by example as we asked Southern Baptists to give more generously than ever before to get the gospel to the nations. And I’m proud to say that is happening!” Chitwood said.
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering supports more than 3,500 IMB missionaries and their 2,880 children. This year’s goal is $175 million in celebration of 175 years of IMB’s uninterrupted witness among the nations. Last year, the IMB received $159.5 million from the Lottie Moon offering. A $175 million offering would be the largest LMCO offering ever received by the IMB. These funds will help move the organization toward its 2025 target of sending an additional 500 fully funded missionaries.
“I’m grateful for the sacrificial giving of our IMB family and trust it will inspire Southern Baptists again to join us in giving through this year’s Lottie offering,” Chitwood said. B&R