EDITOR’S NOTE: This year’s Week of Prayer for International Missions in the Southern Baptist Convention was Dec. 3-10 with the theme verse taken from 2 Corinthians 5:14 (HCSB) “For Christ’s love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion: If one died for all, then all died.” The verse undergirds the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. The offering, in tandem with Cooperative Program gifts from Southern Baptist churches, supports international workers in seeking to fulfill the Great Commission. Gifts to the Lottie Moon offering are received through local Southern Baptist churches or online at IMB.org/lmco, where there are resources to promote the offering. This year’s goal is $160 million.

Believers pray during a worship service in Nepal, a country where it often takes people years to decide to follow Christ after they hear the gospel for the first time. Pray for IMB workers who are giving their lives to be there for the long haul, sharing with the Nepali people in the face of difficulties.
-IMB Photo
RICHMOND, Va. (BP) — No matter what the story is, whether it’s a family planting a church in a doctor’s office in Japan or a young man sharing truth over coffee with university students in Mexico City, International Mission Board president David Platt says two things are true: God is at work through missionaries around the world and praying for them matters.
“This isn’t just a rushed or mechanical exercise. God has ordained our prayer as a means to accomplish His purpose in the world,” Platt said. “We’ve got to be aware that our praying for boldness for missionaries is actually going to affect whether or not they have boldness. God ordained it that way. When we pray, God works.”
And missionaries need that support as they work in places where darkness has long had a foothold, he said.
“To go into a place among a people and a culture that’s never known the Gospel and say, ‘You need to think totally differently about who you are and the world around you,’ and ask them to change their worldview — that’s a complicated task.”
How you can pray
He offered some ways to pray for missionaries year-round.
Pray for missionaries to invest quality time in God’s Word and in walking intimately with Him. Pray for them to be confident to preach God’s Word. In addition to relief work and learning about a culture, we should also speak truth with boldness, no matter the circumstances.
Pray for the Gospel to be clear through missionaries’ lives and words and for God to open hearts. Ask God to give them success in sharing the Gospel with others, and that they would see disciples made and churches planted.
Pray for missionaries to be at peace with other believers, and that Satan would not have success in attacking families, friends, and ministry partners. Pray for them to establish strong relationships on the field as well as back home so that they can be focused on the task.
Pray for missionaries to be able to clearly identify the leaders whom God desires to raise up from among the people they serve. Ask that missionaries would have the time, energy and willingness to focus on those emerging leaders.
Pray for missionaries to possess joy when they suffer, kindness when they are slandered, and patience during difficult times. Pray for God to help them persevere; fighting the battle for souls is hard, but it’s worth it.
*Name changed