Focal Passage: Isaiah 40:21-31
Matt Redman wrote a song that includes the line, “I’m coming back to the heart of worship, And … it’s all about You, Jesus.” That phrase, The Heart of Worship, is the title of our new lesson series. Today’s study, from Isaiah 40: 21-31, is The FOCUS of Our Worship.
I recently asked a congregation, “How many of you were ever in a boring worship service?” Hands went up everywhere. I replied, “I understand. But that’s the wrong answer. We all may’ve been in a boring service at some time. But brothers and sisters, if we were ever in a worship service, it was anything but boring!”
A.W. Tozer said, “How we think of God is the most important thing about us.” Reacting to that statement C.S. Lewis said, “It is not! How GOD thinks of US … is infinitely more important!” Now these are not just two great theologians verbally disagreeing on what’s most important about us; these are two great truths about authentic worship — the kind described in our text. Worship IS about how we think of God! It’s ALSO about how God thinks of us!
(1) How we think of God, Verses 21-26
I read a book years ago entitled Your God is Too Small. Isaiah expressed that same idea in describing his hearers — then and now. In verses 21-22, he calls on all of us to consider how big God is. He is Creator from before the foundation of the earth — and He is Sustainer, the High King of Heaven, “Above All.”
Verses 23-24 invite us to “Look around.” In a few days our Nation is to inaugurate a new President, and our government is to have a new set of leaders. We pray fervently for the new “princes” and “judges;” but we (and they) must also remember that “Above all powers, above all kings … above all kingdoms, above all thrones” there is the Eternal God who is, as the Psalmist reminds us, “THE Judge; He brings down one and exalts another” (Psalm 75:7).
Verses 25-26 call us to “Look above.” Isaiah might say, when you “see the stars and hear the rolling thunder,” in awe you’ll proclaim, “My God, how great Thou art!”
Yet amazingly, there is also:
(2) How GOD thinks of US, Verses 27-31
The summation of verses 27-28 is that God NEVER FAILS TO SEE us, NEVER IGNORES our prayers, NEVER GETS TIRED and NEVER QUITS UNDERSTANDING us.
So verses 29-31 give us some of the greatest promises found in all the Bible! God knows our weaknesses and He gives us His strength. Even the young among us get weary, they stumble and fall. But those who TRUST in the Lord will renew their strength. Does that renewed strength seem to be evading you right now? Remember, T.R.U.S.T means “Totally Relying Upon the Savior’s Timing!”
Someone might question Isaiah’s wording in verse 31. Didn’t he intend to say “walk, run, and soar” — in that order? No, I think he had it right; we may need more strength in the humdrum steps of our everyday life than in the occasional sprints and in the now-and-then soaring. And that’s exactly what our Lord supplies! Read Philippians 4:19; worship as you walk, daily! B&R — Dawson is pastor emeritus at First Baptist Church, Columbia, and has served as transitional interim pastor at numerous churches since his retirement from full-time ministry.