By Baptist and Reflector
DYERSBURG — The annual Jerusalem Project, sponsored by Dyer Baptist Association, saw 50 teenagers make decisions for Christ.
The decisions included both first time professions of faith for Christ and rededications, according to Stan Cavness, Baptist Collegiate Ministry specialist at Dyersburg State Community College. Cavness, who also is pastor of Enon Baptist Church, Halls, serves as youth ministry coordinator for Dyer Baptist Association.
This year marked the 15th anniversary of the Jerusalem Project which combines an evangelism emphasis with a hands-on missions project that normally is done on Martin Luther King Jr. Day when most schools are out of session.
Cavness said about 300 students and leaders from 14 churches in the association took part in the evangelism emphasis on Sunday, Jan. 18, at First Baptist Church, Newbern.
Students were provided a meal by the Women’s and Men’s Ministries of Dyer Association.
Leading the services were David Evans, evangelism specialist with the Tennessee Baptist Convention, and Lyle Larson, pastor of First Baptist Church, Goodlettsville.
Cavness noted that the churches arranged for missions projects in their own neighborhoods so students could show the love of Christ by service projects such as raking leaves, cleaning houses, visiting shut-ins, and other such efforts.
Approximately 40 projects were completed on Jan. 19, he said.
Funding from the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions, channeled through Mississippi River Ministry, helped provide funding for materials.
“It’s special to see the excitement of Christian students who invite their friends to come to the evangelism emphasis and it is touching to see them bring their friends to the altar,” Cavness observed. “The students are our best missionaries in our schools.”