By Michael Julian
Pastor, Macedonia Baptist Church, Kenton
Focal Passage: Revelation 3:7-13
Welcome to the church of brotherly love. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? When we live up to our name, particularly the name Christian, the church and all those around the church benefit from such integrity.
This church at Philadelphia also stood as one that did not hear the voice of Jesus saying, “But I have this against you.” Walking together with Jesus in obedient fellowship is joyfully satisfying. It is refreshing to the individual, the family, the church, and the community. Let’s enter through the door and listen to the voice of Jesus.
Revelation 3:7-8
As we venture into the church, we understand that they were under considerable pressure from the Jews. When we find ourselves facing these intense seasons, how comforting to know we have a Savior who holds the keys. Not only does He hold the keys, but the doors He opens or shuts remain in that position. The Lord knows what we need and when we need it. This kind of relationship with our Savior must be one of faith, whereby we who have been justified by His righteous blood, walk by faith and not by sight.
Once again, Jesus expresses the depth of His knowledge of His church. I know your works. How familiar is Christ with our works? What would He say about them? These are haunting questions, if you take the time for serious and honest reflection. And that is the key that we claim to lose or misplace all the time. What is closer to the truth, is that we hope to avoid the hard work of honest reflection because of what might have to change.
Take courage though, you saint of God, for Christ is putting an open door before you. Be the church that keeps His Word and refuses to deny His name. Be the kind of church God desires.
Revelation 3:9-10
As we mentioned before, the church here faced major opposition from the Jewish community. These communities sought to distance themselves far from the Christians. Jesus even calls them a synagogue of Satan. So much for political correctness, right? Jesus wasn’t speaking out of turn, because He was speaking the truth, as He always does.
In addition to this truth, Jesus offered the truth of His protection. The protection would be from their enemies and from the hour of testing set to ravage the whole world. Don’t you love that about Jesus? He remains ever faithful to His Word, and He has the power to back up everything He says. What a tremendous faith booster! How would you call upon the Lord right now for His protection?
Revelation 3:11-13
While we call upon the Lord and wait for His response, we should heed the words of Jesus to hold on. Hold on to Him when the road disappears before you. Hold on to Jesus when the brightness of the day turns cold and dark. Hold on to Jesus when your enemies set traps to capture you or silence you. Hold on to Jesus for He is coming soon.
This letter to Philadelphia closes with sweet, sweet promises from Jesus. Words of permanence and home resonate loudly. We are home. Let’s be the kind of church God desires.