I recently received an inquiry from Phillip Senn, a minister in West Tennessee. Bro. Senn is a long-time reader of the Baptist and Reflector and often has written letters to the editor.
He observed that he had not seen any letters to the editor published in the paper since February. He asked, “Is this because of a lack of letters, or a new policy by the B&R?” He then observed that “this seemed to occur around the time of the controversy surrounding the North American Mission Board’s alleged attempt at controlling state conventions. Is this, if it is a new policy, a result of an agreement with NAMB, or some other entity outside the Tennessee Baptist Convention?”
These are fair questions. The answer is no. We do not have a new policy. As I responded to Bro. Senn, we occasionally get letters that are clearly stated that is what they are — letters to the editor. I often get e-mails that usually aren’t intended for publication, or at least it is not clear if they were for publication.
Sometimes I get letters that are too long for publication or attack an individual. But the Baptist and Reflector is your publication. If our readers indicate they desire letters to the editor, we will publish our guidelines and give our readers a voice.
We need your help. Please complete the form below to answer the following question, either yes or no: Do you want the Baptist and Reflector to publish letters to the editor? It’s that simple. Please respond by Aug. 15. We will publish the results.
— Lonnie Wilkey, editor
This survey is no longer available.