By Mark D. Proctor
Pastor, Highland Park Baptist Church, Columbia
Curious, isn’t it, that the book of the Bible that encourages believers to have faith based on evidence of things not seen is itself evidence of an author not known? The writer of Hebrews uses tactile terms to give believers hope that true faith — concrete faith — pleases God and writes this passage to show that while we enjoy its benefits, concrete faith is mixed, poured, finished, and cured by God.
Engineers know that the key to strong concrete is getting the right recipe — the mix of cement, aggregate, sand, and water. It’s called slurry. The right slurry, poured into well-constructed forms, and finished and cured correctly results in strong concrete. Likewise, says Hebrews’ author, faith slurry is mixed from evidence and hope (Hebrews 11:1), testimony (v. 2), understanding (v. 3), and finally by examples of those gone before us. Mixed together and poured into the life of a Christian it takes on the form of the invisible God who framed the world. Note the construction verb there in verse 3 — “were framed.” God, though invisible, (John 1:18 says “no one has seen God at any time”) is a building God. He made man in His image and the world for His glory. Paul says in Colossians 1:16, “All things were created through Him and for Him.”
Study these six verses and the world around you and you’ll begin to see clearly the evidence of God’s hand, the substance of His creation. Everything you see, touch, and feel was created by God, for a godly purpose. And there you’ll find hope; for you, too, were created by God for a godly purpose. That’s the first ingredient.
Add to that hope the testimony of wise women and men of the faith. Do you regularly surround yourself with those who can speak the wisdom of God into your life or do you often find yourself seeking the counsel of the ungodly? (Psalm 1). Then throw into the mix some understanding. How is your study life? Do you have a place and a plan for your study? Is your understanding of Scripture limited to a hasty Internet devotional and an occasional Sunday sermon? Understanding requires digging! Finally, look at biblical examples in your life. Do you have an “Abel” in your life who knows how to give? What about an “Enoch” who knows how to walk the walk? (Hebrews 11:4-5).
This is the mix, friends, that forms a concrete faith. The writer of Hebrews took himself out of the picture to put the picture on the master builder. And for those to have this foundation of faith mixed, poured, finished, and cured by God, the builder — being pleased as He is with His work (v. 6) — rewards those who stand on the foundation God Himself just built! And friends, God’s concrete foundations don’t move, settle, or crack. He knows just the right mix — He’s been doing this since before the foundation of the world. That’s a lot of experience.