By Michael Julian
Pastor, Macedonia Baptist Church, Kenton
Focal Passage: John 14:8-11, 16-20, 23-26
What grander subject could we seek to explore and extract truth from other than the subject of the nature of God? And while the intricacies of Father, Son, and Spirit have baffled theologians for centuries, understand that God reveals Himself in knowable fashion. So, let us turn to the words of Jesus in John 14 to help us mine the depths of the nature of the revealed God.
John 14:8-11: “To know Jesus, the Son of God, is to know the Father.”
Jesus, having washed the disciples’ feet and having shared the intimacy of the Lord’s Supper with them, proceeds in His upper room discourse. The troubled hearts of the disciples led them to ask questions, and we have become the beneficiaries of their questions.
Philip requested a showing and Jesus responded by highlighting the knowing. To know Jesus is to know the Father. And how do we know God? We come to know Him through His revealing of Himself. Man doesn’t find his way to God, but God finds man and calls him unto Himself. Hebrews reminds us that Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature.
This closeness develops from their oneness. The very words and works of Christ derive from that relationship. Jesus said His food was to do the will of the Father. And in that will they are one. If the words are not convincing proof, then examine the works. Jesus forgives sin and calms the storms, categories believed to belong only to God the Creator and Redeemer. And yet, Jesus exercises this power. Oneness is in view.
John 14:16-20: “When Jesus, the Son of God, is in your life, the Holy Spirit is in your life.”
Further on in the discourse, we are introduced to the Holy Spirit. The word “another” is used and it carries the meaning of another of the same kind. Jesus is revealing to us that the Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son.
Jesus refers to Himself as the truth, and the Spirit is referred to as the Spirit of truth. One lesson cannot explore these depths, but perhaps it will spark many explorations.
This one called alongside to help is one who will remain with the disciples forever. What could be more comforting to a troubled group of men about to have their worlds turned upside down?
For after Jesus’ arrest, they would all scatter, for the shepherd had been struck. But, they would not be alone. And neither are you. You are not alone. The very person and presence of God dwells inside you by saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. How wonderfully revealing is the nature of our God!
John 14:23-26: “God the Father sends the Holy Spirit to continue the work of the Son.”
Once again, the oneness of the triune God is in view. Our loving response is best characterized by obedience. This obedience serves to welcome the Father and the Son as they make their abode in us. We are embraced by the oneness of the infinite and eternal God. Let’s embrace Him fully that we may live for Him fully.