By Michael Julian
Pastor, Macedonia Baptist Church, Kenton
Focal Passage: Genesis 1:1-5,26-31
We are journeying through a study on the essentials of Christianity. We began last week where all things begin, with God. The logical follow up to this revelation is the existence of humanity. How did we arrive on this earth? Where did this earth come from? What does it mean to be human? Do we have a divine purpose?
Genesis 1:1-5: The first verse of the Bible sets the tone for everything that follows. “In the beginning God created,” smacks us right in the face. Interestingly, the last book of the Bible repeats in chapter 4 that God created all things, and because of His will they existed and were created. This means that God created all things with a purpose in mind. We are not an accident, and neither is this universe a random and fortunate gathering of objects into a sustainable solar system.
God decided by His sovereign will to create all things. This truth instills hope and meaning into the life of every person. Unfortunately, so many cover up this truth. Their unbelieving minds are blinded by the god of this age that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
As we peer into the first day of creation, we discover that God called light into being. How powerful God’s voice must be to bring things into existence that were not in existence before! When we study the Scriptures further, we understand that in creation Father, Son, and Spirit are in active cooperation. Jesus is not a created being, but He is God’s agent of creation. Colossians 1:16-17 and John 1:1-5 bear this out. And digging further, we see the Spirit of God hovering over the surface of the waters. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are co-eternal with the Father, one in essence and purpose. Glory to God.
Genesis 1:26-31: Now we arrive at man on day six of creation. Man is made in the image of God. Notice that man is identified as male and female. This is significant because many today challenge this declaration. Yet, the Word states clearly man is created male and female. I choose to live by God’s declarations and distinctions.
So, what does it mean to be made in His image. We can see this through four characteristics: intellect, emotion, volition and dominion. In the Scriptures, you will see God exhibiting these same characteristics.
To be human is to be fearfully and wonderfully made. To know that you bear the image of God develops a sense of purpose, value and worth.
We can now address purpose because we have addressed origin. The proper knowledge of origin will drive the proper understanding of purpose. What we believe about origins will determine whether we serve God’s purposes or our purposes. If we appeared by random chance then we are not distinct from any other known life form. Why should we treat each other with dignity and kindness? Survival of the fittest then rules the day.
However, we exist because God willed it to be, and therefore, our lives are pregnant with meaning, worth, value, and purpose. May we serve and honor our Creator every day. B&R