By Mike Dawson
Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Church, Columbia
Focal Passage: Colossians 1:24-2:3
If I were choosing titles for these lessons from the book of Colossians, today’s lesson might be called “The Gospel’s Secret.” Our focal Scripture is about the Gospel’s GOAL, for sure; but it also reveals the SECRET to living the Christian life.
Growing up as a boy, I loved “secret” things. A secret pocket, a secret formula, a secret plan, a secret code, a secret club. But today’s lesson from Colossians 1:24-2:3 goes beyond those things to the greatest secret ever.
This secret is what the writer of Colossians calls “a mystery.” The Apostle Paul was imprisoned for preaching the Gospel, and he wrote this letter to friends he had apparently never met — yet in a congregation he had launched in the bustling city of Colossae.
Paul knew these believers by reports only, but the reports gave him a very clear idea of what was happening in their church, including some cases of false teaching. So he wrote to inspire, inform and soundly instruct them.
On the surface verse 24 might appear to be heresy. Is Paul saying that his sufferings could somehow “complete” the sufferings of Christ? Absolutely not. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was perfect and complete, as Paul made clear in his many writings. Paul was saying that his own sufferings (and ours too) connect with Christ’s sufferings. The only way Christ’s sufferings would be lacking is that all of us co-labor and co-suffer with Him in sharing the Gospel with the world.
Verses 25-27 describe the big secret. Paul remembered when he became a minister of the mystery (verse 25). This mystery (or secret) had been “hidden from ages and from generations, but has now been revealed (verse 26). So what in the world is this rich, glorious mystery? Paul unveils it in seven powerful words: Christ in you, the hope of glory (verse 27). Heaven’s hope for us is the victory of Christian living, summed up in three words, “Christ. In. You.”
I’m a very poor golfer. I wish I were better; I’d enjoy golfing with our son David and others. But I’ve not found time to improve enough to make it fun.
A dear friend, Dave Ragan (now deceased), was a championship professional golfer — and a great soul winner. Suppose I could miraculously bring Dave back from Heaven and get him inside of me? The next time on the golf course I’d easily outplay any of the guys among our family and friends. I’d be an incredible golfer—and a better witness for Christ too. But then I’d have to admit, “Fellas, that really wasn’t me out there today, it was Dave Ragan living in me.”
So it is with all of us: we cannot live the Christian life. It takes the Lord Jesus Christ living in us. Have you received Him, and are you aware each day of His indwelling? It’s THE key to triumphant living!
The rest of our text, Colossians 1:28-2:3, describes the benefits of Christ in us. He enhances our preaching and serving (verse 28-29) and increases our burden for lukewarm believers and for those living in discouragement and disunity (2:1-2). Notice two words in verse 3; Paul returns to the Gospel’s secret: “mystery” and “hidden.” B&R — Dawson is pastor emeritus at First Baptist Church, Columbia, and also serves as transitional interim around the state.