Radio B&R Podcast
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January 5, 2018
Is prayer dead? Are you praying specifically for family, friends and neighbors to come to saving faith in Christ? In this episode, David Evans of the TBMB explains how prayer not only is the lifeblood of the Christian, but the key to reaching people for Christ. He also explains the Pray4TN resource that helps people […]
August 22, 2017
Chris Phillips is young, successful and was on the upwardly mobile professional path, but he walked away from it all to plant churches in Colorado, and extremely spiritually dry place. Why would he take his family and do that? The answer may surprise you.
August 18, 2017
When people think of Colorado they think of beautiful mountains, ski resorts and Big Sky country, Dave Howeth sees the deep spiritual need. Howeth is no stranger to pioneer missions and in this episode shares the challenges and the opportunities for those looking to make a gospel difference.
July 12, 2017
Pastor Kim McCroskey, pastor of Roaring Fork Baptist Church, discusses the Gatlinburg fires that destroyed the church, the church’s recovery and the impending dedication of the new building. FULL TRANSCRIPT: Lonnie Wilkey: Hello, and welcome to Radio B&R. I’m Lonnie Wilkey, editor of the Baptist & Reflector, and your host today. I’m on-site in Gatlinburg, […]
June 5, 2017
Nine out of 10 children in Tennessee are on course to reach adulthood having no relationship with Christ. VBS and BKC are key ministry opportunities that can change that statistic. TRANSCRIPT: Chris Turner: Hello and welcome into this episode of Radio B&R. I’m your host Chris Turner, director of communications for the Tennessee Baptist Mission […]
April 17, 2017
Bill Choate, state director for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board’s Baptist Collegiate Ministry, discusses the importance of BCM ministry in reaching young adults with the gospel. College campuses are a mission field ripe for the harvest, and Choate explains BCM ministries are in position to make a Kingdom difference.
April 7, 2017
Woman’s Missionary Union President Martha Pitts discusses all things WMU and the importance of ongoing missions education in the church.
March 15, 2017
Benjie Shaw, the TBMB’s campus student minister at UT Health Science Center – Memphis, talks about the challenges and strategies of reaching a Millennial generation with the gospel. Many have grown up with no church background or have wandered far from church. Benjie discusses how to engage and discuss deep spiritual questions.
February 9, 2017
Willie McLaurin, Director of Black Church Development for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, discusses the growth of the black church in Tennessee, mobilization, and being on mission.
February 6, 2017
In this episode of Radio B&R, TBMB ethnic church planting specialist William Burton discusses immigration, ethnic people in Tennessee and Great Commission opportunities for churches looking for a place to reach the nations right here in Tennessee.
January 16, 2017
Roc Collins, the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board’s newly named Director of Evangelism, sits down with Radio B&R to discuss his new role and the vision he has for seeing Tennessee Baptists reach their spiritually lost communities with the gospel.
January 1, 2017
The spiritual and physical needs in Tennessee are virtually overwhelming. With widespread poverty and other human needs at an all-time high, churches have a ripe opportunity to bridge the gap with their communities through compassion ministries. Radio B&R sat down with state missionary Joe Sorah to discuss how churches can serve their neighbors and lead […]
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