Bobbye Rankin — who spent 23 years along with her husband, Jerry, serving as a Southern Baptist missionary in Asia — died on Monday, Jan. 2, at 78.
The Rankins shifted from the missions field in 1993 to International Mission Board staff housed in Richmond, Virginia, when Jerry was named president of the then Foreign Mission Board. The name changed to IMB shortly after Jerry became president.
They retired in 2010 and moved to Clinton, Mississippi. Bobbye’s funeral service will be in Clinton this coming weekend, according to their son Russell via Facebook.
Bobbye was originally from Brookhaven, Mississippi, and received her undergraduate degree from Mississippi College.
She is survived by Jerry, two children (Russell and Lori) and several grandchildren.
More details will be provided as they become available.
To read a recent story on the newly named Rankin Mission Center at Mississippi College, click here.