By Vicki Hulsey
Childhood Ministry Specialist, TBMB
I recently heard Landry Holmes, author of It’s Worth It, talk about the “snapshots” he has in his mind regarding Vacation Bible School.
I began to think about the pictures people have in their minds of their childhood and VBS memories. As I talk with ministry leaders across Tennessee, I often hear the stories of faith that originated in Vacation Bible School. And, many times those experiences included going to VBS and then returning home to unchurched parents.
While listening to Landry Holmes, snapshots immediately came to my mind of memories of my VBS experiences that will always be a part of my heritage that still impact my life as a leader.
I recently found a snapshot of a VBS group from the church where I grew up — Hillview Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala. This photo was actually taken a little over a year before I was born.
But as I look at this picture, I see the legacy that was passed on to me through a church that obviously believed in reaching their community through Vacation Bible School.
I am blown away as I start to count the number of pastors and ministers that came out of that one church.
Vacation Bible School is as vital today as ever before.
Recent statistics from LifeWay Christian Resources reveal that year after year, the tide of VBS numbers reflects individual lives changed for eternity:
- In 2017, more than 65,000 salvation decisions were reported from VBS.
- In 2017, 835 decisions for vocational ministry were reported by SBC churches.
Over the next several weeks, leading up to Vacation Bible School, the Baptist and Reflector will run a series of “VBS Snapshots” on ministers and lay leaders in Tennessee who were impacted by VBS.
If you have any questions or need help on beginning a VBS in your church, please contact me at
— It’s Worth It is published by LifeWay Christian Resources in Nashville. For more information, visit and search for It’s Worth It.