On Mission Today
Terrorists opened fire at Ataturk Airport in Istanbul recently before detonating explosives, killing 42 people and injuring more than 200. It was the second terrorist attack in Istanbul in June, the month of Ramadan.
Weeks earlier, during the height of morning rush hour, a car bomb tore through a crowded area of Istanbul, killing 11 people and wounding dozens more. In a moment, Ramadan, a time associated with heightened spiritual devotion and prayer, turned violent and chaotic.
Almost immediately, Turks began venting their grief and frustration on Twitter. Only hours after news of the car bombing hit the headlines, the hashtag #terörelanetolsun, which means, “may terrorism be cursed,” was the top trending hashtag in the world, racking up more than 70,000 tweets.
How you can pray:
- Cursing terrorism cannot bring people closer to God’s blessing. No political solution, military intervention, or obedience to religious obligations like fasting during Ramadan will ever bring true spiritual peace. When headlines of terrorism flash across your screen, pray that God will make Himself known.How you can pray:
Pray for those grieving the loss of beloved family members and friends. Pray for the wounded. Ask the Lord to preserve their lives so they can find life in Christ. - Pray for government officials, politicians, and police forces will be calm in the midst of crisis. May the Lord grant them wisdom to respond in a way that will not increase tensions and escalate violence.
- Pray for reconciliation. Pray Christians will lead the way in demonstrating that peace is possible through unity in Christ.
- Pray believers will be bold to share the gospel with family and friends during turbulent times. Ask God to use these terrible situations for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
- Pray for the local churches that continue to gather faithfully and courageously even in the face of security threats. Pray they will have the attitude of Christ and their light will shine into their communities.
- Pray Christians worldwide won’t allow fear of terrorism to inhibit them from loving across cultures and traveling to share the gospel. Pray God will give the global church a spirit of boldness and an unshakeable faith that He is with us as we are obedient and faithful to take the good news to all peoples.