During the past 10 years, Tennessee Baptists have focused on the Five Objectives, one of which was to see 50,000 people annually saved and baptized by 2024. Evangelism will continue to be a focus of Tennessee Baptists during the transition to the Acts 2:17 Initiative.
Tennessee Baptists’ concern for the lost is not new. Read a portion of this article which appeared in the Jan. 12, 1911 issue of the Baptist and Reflector.
Rev. R.L. Motley
“Rev. R.L. Motley has accepted the position of evangelist of the State Mission Board of Tennessee. He has moved to Nashville and is at the command of the brethren. Bro. Motley is well known in Tennessee, having been pastor at Ripley and Cleveland in this state, in both of these fields he did efficient work. …
“We are delighted to have him in Tennessee. We commend him very cordially to pastors desiring the success of a safe and sane preacher, a strong and sound Baptist.”
— Lonnie Wilkey
Baptist and Reflector