By Carolyn Tomlin
Contributing Columnist, B&R
Summer vacation is almost over. No longer may students sleep late on week days. And for parents, getting back into a routine may be as difficult as for children. Do you wonder, “How can I get my children out of bed, catch the school bus on time, and not forget their belongings?” If this is a problem at your house, could the following suggestions work for your family?
- Pray for your child. Ask God to guide them and keep them safe. Help your child memorize this verse: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13, NIV).
- Plan the night before. After homework is completed each afternoon or evening, designate a place for the book bag and any school projects. Always use the same place, preferably near the door you exit each morning.
- Assemble lunch boxes ahead of time. If your child takes a lunch from home what preparation can you make early? For example, some sandwiches can be frozen in zipper bags the night before.
- Select clothing and accessories. Another way to save precious time in the morning is to lay out all the clothes the night before. Give small children a choice between two outfits. Older children will select their own. Keep in mind school dress codes. One rule: Whatever is chosen the night before — wear the next day.
- Eat a nutritious breakfast. Did you know that children who eat a healthy breakfast have a higher rate of retention, possess more mental and physical energy and report liking school?
- Expect the best from each child. Let your child know you expect good grades. Realize not every child is capable of making an “A” in every subject, but every child should be encouraged to do their best.
- Develop a calendar. Do you wonder how some parents keep up with all the activities their child is involved in? Keep a monthly and weekly calendar.
- Volunteer at school. Teachers appreciate parents who ask, “How can I help you this school year?” Parents and grandparents need to be visible in their child’s classroom and school. Working parents can seek alternative ways to volunteer.
- Show love to your child. Send your child to school with a hug and a smile. Start out on a positive note. Tell your child they are loved. Be an encourager.