Here’s a quick look at some of the numbers from 2022 Summit. The conference continues on Tuesday, and runs through Wednesday afternoon.
Registration: As of 7 p.m. Monday, 746 messengers from 412 churches had registered as messengers to the annual meeting of the Tennessee Baptist Convention, according to Dan Ferrell, TBC registration secretary.
Officer elections: As of Monday, there had been three announced candidates for officers of the Tennessee Baptist Convention. Current TBC president Clay Hallmark will be nominated for a second term. Pastor Joel Pigg of Salem Baptist Church, Trenton, will be nominated as vice president. Gene Nelson, pastor of Russellville Baptist Church, Russellville, will be nominated as second vice president. Pigg will be nominated by Andy Mayfield, pastor of First Baptist Church, Rutherford, while Nelson will be nominated by Todd Stinnett, pastor of Black Oak Heights Baptist Church, Knoxville. Other nominees may be nominated from the floor during the time for elections on Nov. 15.
Paul B. Clark Church Music Ministry Award: Martha Kirkland, a member of First Baptist Church, Nashville, with decades of music ministry experience at all levels, including the Baptist Sunday School Board (now Lifeway Christian Resources), became the third recipient of the award named in honor of Clark.
Clark served as the worship and music specialist for the TBMB from 2000-2015 prior to a massive stroke shortly after the 2015 Summit. Clark died Dec. 24, 2018.
The award is presented by the Tennessee Baptist Church Music Conference to recognize individuals who exemplify outstanding, courageous leadership through their commitment, influence and contributions to the ministry through music in the local church, said Scott Shepherd, worship and music specialist for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board.