By Baptist & Reflector
BRENTWOOD — Tennessee Baptist Convention churches gave $2,747,830 through the Cooperative Program in March.
For the year-to-date, Tennessee Baptists have given $14,712,077.
After five months of the current fiscal year, the total is $1,101,628 or 8.1 percent over the amount given at the same time last year. It also is $441,244 or 3.09 percent ahead of current budget needs.
“Almost six months into our TBC Ministry & Missions Budget we are 3.1 percent above budget,” observed TBC Executive Director Randy C. Davis.
“But here is the most encouraging news: we are more than 8 percent above where we were in Cooperative Program giving from the same time frame last year!
“This kind of incredible generosity must bless the heart of every Christ-follower that desires to focus on the Great Commission work in our neighborhoods, throughout our beloved state, across our North America and around the globe.”
Davis related that because of the lostness of people in Tennessee, “one of our strong bivocational pastors shared with me today (April 1) that people in his church are becoming bold and visionary about reaching their community. Because of that kind of burden we are seeing churches from all over our state grow in their CP support. We are thankful they are joining hundreds of churches that have been faithful to financially support missions and ministries through the Cooperative Program for many years.”
He cited examples of other churches that are increasing their gifts through the Cooperative Program. “Thank you Tennessee Baptists for your faithful, sacrificial and growing Great Commission giving and involvement.”