Russ Wilkins, former associate pastor for students, missions, and education at First Baptist Church, Huntingdon, has been named director of missions for Shiloh Baptist Association. Wilkins is a former admissions counselor at Union University in Jackson and youth pastor at Oakfield Baptist Church, Oakfield. Shiloh Association is comprised of 47 churches in McNairy and Hardin Counties.
John Adams, a former university administrator at Union University in Jackson who is now serving in his 31st interim pastorate at Spring Hill Baptist Church, Trenton, and Gayle Alexander, who has served as pastor of churches in Tennessee and Mississippi, have written Who Is In Control of The Church: A Guide to Unity and Peace Within the Church. The two men have more than 100 combined years of experience. The book offers a “big picture” look at what the church expects from the pastor, what the pastor should expect from the church, and how people in positions of authority can work together under the submission of God’s ultimate authority. The book is available on Amazon by title and authors.
Keith Smith is the new pastor of Fordtown Baptist Church, Kingsport. He formerly served as pastor for nearly 16 years at Reservoir Road Baptist Church, Kingsport. He and his wife Kelly were reared at Fordtown Baptist Church and have returned “home” to serve.
Mike Carrier, interim pastor of Bluff City Baptist Church, Bluff City, has been appointed Bristol fire chief.
Violet Hyatt was recently honored and recognized for 73 years of faithful service as the pianist at Fall Creek Baptist Church in Kingsport. She began serving at age 20 and has provided music for funerals, weddings, worship, and VBS worship rallies. “She is a great treasure to our church family at Fall Creek,” said Pastor Tommy Haynes.
Jason Rumbough has been called as pastor of Eastland Baptist Church, Nashville, effective June 1. He and his wife, Kelli, have four children: Micah, Luka, Noelle, and Judah.
Nancy Fay resigned recently as part-time music minister at First Baptist Church, Clinton.
Jason Bogardus recently resigned as pastor of First Baptist Church, Rutherford.
Larry Simmons has been called as pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church, Humboldt.
Doug Duncan, a member of First Baptist Church, Dyer, recently was honored as “Volunteer of the Year” during the Jerry Legg Annual Volunteer Missions Banquet held in Gibson Baptist Association. New Hope Baptist Church, Dyer, hosted this year’s third annual banquet.
Twila Greene, guest services coordinator for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, was recognized in April for five years of ministry with the TBMB. Greene, a member of First Baptist Church, Nashville, began her tenure as a administrative assistant in collegiate ministries.
Allons Baptist Church, Allons, has called John Keith as pastor, effective May 6.
The Women’s Ministry of Smith Springs Baptist Church, Nashville, will host an Afternoon Tea introducing a new women’s Bible study by Cheri Slade entitled “The Lot Victorious: (Choose to Live for God’s Glory Alone). The event will be held Saturday, May 19, from 2-4 p.m. RSVP to RoseMaria Davis at 615-866-8441 by May 9.
Cedar Hill Baptist Church, Cedar Hill, sent a missions team to Houston, Texas, in February to help rebuild homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey. The team was incorrectly identified as being from Cedar Hill Baptist Church, Baxter, in the April 1 issue. The B&R staff apologizes for the error.
Warrensburg Baptist Church, Mohawk, recently lost its sanctuary due to a furnace fire in the church. Local fire department units contained the fire so that the fellowship hall and classrooms had mostly smoke and water damage.
Smyrna Baptist Church, Humboldt, will hold a weekend revival April 21-22 with guest evangelist Bill Oakley. The Saturday (April 21) service begins at 6:30 p.m. while the Sunday services will be held at 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.
White Hall Baptist Church, Trenton, will hold revival services April 22-25 with guest evangelist Bob Pittman.
Charles Michael “Mike” Fisher, pastor of Dickerson Road Baptist Church, Nashville, for the past 10 years, died April 6. He was 66. Fisher is survived by his wife, Sharon, three children and nine grandchildren.