Members of Brainerd Baptist Church, Chattanooga, voted Dec. 4 to call Curtis Hill as senior pastor. Hill visited Brainerd Baptist more than 23 years ago while a first-year seminary student at Tennessee Temple in Chattanooga. Tom Meade, chairman of the pastor search committee, noted: “Today, we welcome that same man to this sanctuary to become the next senior pastor.” For the past 15 years, Hill served as senior pastor of Ogletown Baptist Church, Newark, Del. He earned a doctor of ministry degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., and is a trustee of SBTS. He plans to transition to Chattanooga in January and preach his first sermon on the first Sunday in February.
Sinking Creek Baptist Church, Johnson City, which celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2022, recently held revival services led by evangelist Toonie Cash. There was one profession of faith. Chuck Babb is pastor.
Chinquapin Grove Baptist Church, Bluff City, recently held revival with guest evangelist Kenny Baldwin. There were 19 professions of faith, eight baptisms and five people joined the church. Jamie Ferguson is pastor.
The Fellowship of Tennessee Baptist Evangelists will have a preaching conference Saturday night, Jan. 14, at 6:30 p.m. and Monday morning, Jan. 16, at 9:30 a.m. at Boones Creek Baptist Church in Johnson City, TN. The public is invited. For more information, contact Fellowship president Phil Glisson at phil.glisson@juno.com.
William L. “W.L.” Shipman, retired pastor of Zion Baptist Church, Benton, and former director of missions of Polk County Baptist Association, Benton, died Nov. 18, at the age of 90. He was preceded in death by his wife of 60 years, Wilma Louise. He is survived by two sons and several grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Ronnie Walker Davidson, longtime Tennessee Baptist pastor and former director of missions of Shiloh Baptist Association, Adamsville, died Nov. 24, 2022 at the age of 81. He served several churches in West Tennessee, including First Baptist Church, Grand Junction. He had just retired as pastor of Enville Baptist Church, Enville, on Nov. 7 after 62 years of ministry. Davidson was preceded in death by his wife, Velma. He is survived by three daughters and several grandchildren and great grandchildren.