The Mouth of Richland Baptist Church, Blaine, recently called two new ministers. Nick Wright is the new senior pastor while Brad Bales is executive pastor. Wright is a graduate of Carson-Newman University, Jefferson City. He formerly served as youth minister at Union Baptist Church, Knoxville and was transitional pastor at Graveston Baptist Church, Corryton. Bales served as student pastor at Graveston Baptist and was chaplain for the football team at Gibbs High School, Corryton. He attended Johnson University and Walters State Community College.
Keith Donaldson is the new pastor/church planter of Connect Church in Milan.
Robert Cates has been called as interim pastor of West Side Baptist Church, Trenton.
Todd Henson has been called as executive pastor of First Baptist Church, Paris. He and his wife Kelly and children, Katie and Kyle, are active members of the church. He has served as a deacon and Sunday School teacher and participated in numerous missions trips. He was called to the ministry two years ago and has been pursuing a master of divinity degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, while seeking God’s will for full-time ministry.
Oakland Baptist Church, Springfield, has called Stephen Childers as bivocational pastor.
Epiphany Baptist Church, Springfield, recently called Steve Pelt as interim pastor.
Lawrence O’Dell Hudson, retired pastor of Monument of Love Baptist, Memphis, died June 19 at the age of 80. He served the church from 1984 to 2014 and was one of the first African-American pastors to serve on the Executive Board of the Tennessee Baptist Convention (now Tennessee Baptist Mission Board).
Pisgah Baptist Church, Decatur, will celebrate its 200th anniversary on Oct. 7.
Tabernacle Baptist Church, Clarksville, will sponsor “Under the Big Tent,” a city-wide revival on July 14 from noon until 6 p.m. The event will feature pastors from the Clarksville area and around the state. Refreshments will be served. For more information, contact 931-614-9828 or 931-648-1172.
New Bethel Baptist Church, Shelbyville, will host a gospel concert with Russ and Becky Jeffers (who performed at Opryland from 1974-97) on Aug. 5 at 6 p.m. Call 931-639-7741 for more information.
Paynes Baptist Church, Estill Springs, recently completed a major renovation of its sanctuary with new carpet, light fixtures, and paint.
Members of Life Change Church, Tullahoma, will serve in their community on July 21 with several work projects including landscaping, trash pickup, home repair, and ministry to nursing home residents.
Union Hill Baptist Church, Goodlettsville, will host The Mark Trammell Quartet on July 22 at 6 p.m. The concert is free. A love offering will be taken.
Stone Baptist Association, headquartered in Cookeville, is partnering with Baxter Church of God to provide missionary housing for Mike and Heather McAfee during their furlough from July through January 2019. The association’s WMU have been collecting supplies and pantry items, most of which will be left in the home for future use by other missionaries.
Fayette Baptist Association, based in Somerville, will host a “Share Your Faith” workshop with Jerry Spencer, an evangelist from Savannah. The event will be held Aug. 16 at 6:30 p.m. at Fayette Baptist Church, Somerville.