Steve Roper, Baptist collegiate ministry specialist at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, was recognized recently for 30 years of ministry with the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board. Roper was licensed to preach in 1985. He and his wife Rhonda have twin sons.
Tim Bray has been called as associate pastor at First Baptist Church, Morristown. He served the church as student pastor from 2008-10. Since then he has completed his master’s degree from New Orleans (La.) Baptist Theological Seminary, served as senior pastor of a church in Louisiana and served on a multi-staff church in Texas. He and his wife Emily have two children.
David Harrison, president of Let My People Hear, Inc., and a member of Oakwood Baptist Church, Chattanooga, has written Bill of Rights for the Hard of Hearing. The book was written to recognize the unique communication needs for the hearing impaired in church and to challenge churches to make changes to accommodate those who are hard of hearing.
Oak Grove Baptist Church, Puryear, will hold revival services Aug. 5-8 with guest evangelist Todd Gray, leader of the evangelism and church planting team of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday and 7 p.m. Monday-Wednesday.
New Bethel Baptist Church, Shelbyville, will hold a gospel concert with Russ and Becky Jeffers (who performed at Opryland from 1974-1997) on Aug. 5 at 6 p.m. All are invited. Call 931-639-7741 for more information.
Hopewell Baptist Church, Savannah, and Shiloh Baptist Association are hosting a Man Up Men’s Conference at Hopewell Baptist on Aug. 3 with dinner at 5 p.m. and worship at 6:45 p.m. Guest speakers are Larry Robertson, pastor of Hilldale Baptist Church, Clarksville, and Bartholomew Orr, pastor of Brown Missionary Baptist Church, Southaven, Miss. Tickets are $15. For more information, call the church at 731-925-5842.
Frank Proffitt, who served as a pastor and director of missions for 53 years, most of it in Tennessee, died July 1 in Jonesborough after a battle with cancer. He was 85. A native of Green County, Proffitt served as pastor of numerous churches before serving as director of missions for Sevier County Association of Baptists and Lawrence County Baptist Association. He is survived by his wife Polly, two children, seven grandchildren, and 13 great grandchildren.
Harold Allen, pastor of First Baptist Church, Gallatin, from 1968-1986, died July 15. He was 84. A native of Humboldt, Allen’s ministry spanned 65 years. He served churches as pastor in Tennessee, Illinois, Kentucky, and Georgia. He was preceded in death by his wife of 61 years, the former Nancy Ann Clark, who died earlier this year. They are survived by two sons, David and Stephen Allen.