James Noble, pastor of Grace Fellowship Baptist Church, Memphis, will join the Anderson University faculty as assistant professor of pastoral ministry. Anderson University is located in Anderson, S.C. Noble currently is vice president of the Executive Board of the Tennessee Baptist Convention.
Travis Fleming, senior pastor, Union Avenue Baptist Church, Memphis, was called as senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Gallatin, May 22. Formerly he was lay pastor for a church in New Orleans, La., a church planter, and construction coordinator for Operation Noah Rebuild of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. The rebuild effort was in response to Hurricane Katrina.
Tom and Cindy Jenkins, members of First Baptist Church, Morristown, and volunteers with Disaster Relief of Nolachucky Baptist Association, will serve in Africa for a year beginning June 25. They will serve through the Southern Baptist International Mission Board as volunteers. Cindy is a surgical nurse who retired early for this assignment as assistant medical coordinator for missionaries. Tom is a retired builder/contractor who is codirector of God’s Warehouse of the association’s DR. Tom will assume various supportive roles to missionaries. The couple will be funding all of their expenses while on the field.
Gary Griffis has been called as senior pastor, New Church, Memphis, effective June 5. The church was formed when Leaclair Baptist Church, Memphis, and National Avenue Baptist Church, Memphis, merged. He teaches at Union University, Jackson, and was adjunct professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Griffis also was teaching pastor, New Church; pastor, National Avenue Baptist; pastor, Leaclair Baptist; pastor of a church in Georgia; and on the staff of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio.
Students with Tennessee ties graduated from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky., May 13 and 20. Information sent included home church or hometown. They were Greg S. Alderdice, First Baptist Church, Martin, master of divinity; Walter R. Alexander, Cornerstone Church, Knoxville, master of divinity; Kelli R. Banther, New Bethel Baptist Church, Harrison, associate of arts in biblical and theological studies; James S. Barrett II, master of divinity; Christopher L. Bolt, Elkton Baptist Church, Elkton, doctor of philosophy; Kyle B. Bullock, Faith Church, Nashville, master of divinity; Sarah L. Bush, ClearView Baptist Church, Franklin, master of arts in Christian education; James Cable, Rocky Hill Baptist Church, Knoxville, master of divinity; Brandon Cate, Beech Springs Baptist Church, Kodak, master of divinity; Melissa W. Durham, Tri-Cities Baptist Church, Gray, master of arts in church ministries; Melvin D. Felts, First Baptist Church, Cookeville, doctor of ministry; Andi L. Hauk, Forest Hills Baptist Church, Nashville, master of arts in theological studies; Eric L. Hoffman, Franklin, master of arts in leadership; Nathan D. Jones, Refuge Church, Franklin, master of divinity; Casey M. Laws, Holly Grove Baptist Church, Bells, bachelor of science in global studies; Michael W. Masters, First Baptist Church, Powell, master of arts in theological studies; Steven J. May, Memphis, master of divinity; Stephen C. Mee, Trinity Baptist Church, Franklin, master of divinity; Jason G. Miller, Woodland Baptist Church, Jackson, master of divinity; Charles R. Mitchell, First Baptist Church, Fountain City, Knoxville, master of divinity; James E. Morrow, Brainerd Baptist Church, Chattanooga, master of arts in theological studies; Sean J. Perron, Hartsville, master of divinity; Dalton H. Reed, Rutledge Falls Baptist Church, Tullahoma, bachelor of science in humanities; Landon C. Reynolds, Knoxville, bachelor of arts in biblical and theological studies; Ryan T. Rice, University Parkway Baptist Church, Johnson City, master of arts in Christian education; Jimmy S. Runer, South Woods Baptist Church, Germantown, master of arts in missiology; Eric C. Sams, First Baptist Church, Powell, master of theology; Evans M. Sams, Bluff City, bachelor of science in worship and pastoral studies; Janet A. Shrum, Inglewood Baptist Church, Nashville, master of arts in biblical counseling; Steven H. Smartt, Westwood Baptist Church, Cleveland, doctor of ministry; Meagan E. Smith, Redemption City Church, Franklin, master of divinity; Brittany L. Stigall, Christ City Church, Memphis, master of arts in biblical counseling; Steele B. Wright, Cleveland, master of divinity; Kari A. Yates, Brainerd Baptist Church, Chattanooga, bachelor of science in counseling.
Mahlon Fisher, associate pastor, Leoma Baptist Church, Leoma, recently celebrated his 10th anniversary of service.
Dean Smith has been called as interim pastor, Willow Springs Baptist Church, Elizabethton.
Billy Garner has been called as pastor of New Salem Baptist Church, Dukedom.
Jeffrey D. Hester was licensed to the ministry on May 15 by Edgemont Baptist Church, Shelbyville.
Nick Poole was called as children’s pastor, First Baptist Church, Maryville, effective June 1.
Kennedi Kruger is serving as a summer intern for Riverside Baptist Association, based in Livingston. Kruger, a member of Fellowship Baptist Church, Allons, is a recent graduate of Livingston Academy and will be a student at Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, in the fall.
Scott Ingram has been called as pastor of Sunrise Baptist Church, Bulls Gap.
Fred Ward, 72, retired minister of Huntingdon, died June 3. He was pastor of First Baptist Church, Huntingdon, for 30 years, from which he retired in February; Unity Baptist Church, Jacks Creek; and Mercer Baptist Church, Mercer. Ward also was a businessman before entering the ministry. He was a graduate of Union University, Jackson. Ward was a member of the Tennessee Baptist Convention Executive Board and the board of Union. He also did missions work in England. Ward is survived by his wife of 53 years, Lois; three children; seven grandchildren; and two great grandchildren.
David R. Allison, 84, retired pastor, died April 5 in Maryville. He was pastor of many churches in Monroe, Roane, Blount, and McMinn counties. Allison also was moderator of Sweetwater Baptist Association, based in Madisonville. He was a member of Hopewell Springs Baptist Church, Madisonville. He is survived by his extended family.
Charlie Miller, former pastor, Big Springs Baptist Church, Elizabethton, died recently.
First Baptist Church, Adamsville, broke ground April 17 for a new building that will include a sanctuary and classrooms.
McCrae’s Outdoorsman Chapel, Big Sandy, is building using volunteer missions teams. For more information, contact Kenny Louden, pastor, at 731-593-5276.
Union Hill Baptist Church, Goodlettsville, will host musicians Buddy Greene and Jeff Taylor on June 26 at 6 p.m. For more information, contact uhbc@comcast.net.
The adults and college students of Calvary Baptist Church, Knoxville, are studying The Art of Virtue by Benjamin Franklin on Wednesday nights. For more information, call 865-523-9419.
The 16th annual Music Camp of Brownsville Baptist Church, Brownsville, for children was held May 31 – June 3.
New Beginnings Church, Jump Off, (south of Sewanee), has relocated to new facilities in Monteagle. The church renovated a storefront facility there with help from volunteers including the Duck River Baptist Association Baptist Community Servants.
Campbell County Baptist Association, based in LaFollette, will host a missions team from Alabama June 26-30. The team will conduct sports camps, Vacation Bible School, community work projects, and family festivals in Jellico, LaFollette, and Caryville.
The Weakley County Baptist Association Choir Festival will be held at Adams Chapel Baptist Church, Dresden, on Saturday, Aug. 6, beginning at 2 p.m. The choir concert will be held at 7 p.m. For more information, contact 731-364-3739 or allisonwcba@frontier.com.
Carson-Newman University, Jefferson City, recently commissioned about 60 students who are serving as summer missionaries in 11 states and four countries — Haiti, Italy, Costa Rica, and South Africa.