The disaster relief team from William Carey Baptist Association went to St. Charles, La., May 23-29 to install insulation and drywall. Eight people from four churches participated.
Weakley County Baptist Association will sponsor its annual summer mission trip July 10-16. The team, which will include youth who have completed the eighth through 12th grades and adults, will serve with Ocoee Outreach in Cleveland. The team will assist with Vacation Bible School in the Boys and Girls Club and in several construction projects.
Lucas Boring recently resigned as pastor of Millers Cove Baptist Church, Walland.
Job Morales is the new associate pastor of children and families at Broadway Baptist Church, Maryville.
Former Southern Baptist missionary of Chapel Hill died May 22. He was 96. Reed served as pastor of Cedar Grove Baptist Church and Beech Grove Baptist Church in Blount County, as well as churches in Texas and Georgia, before going to Israel as a representative of the SBC Foreign Mission Board (now International Mission Board). He and his late wife, Ruth, served for 27 years. Various assignments included directing an orphanage and boarding school, managing a dormitory for missionary children and pastoring the Baptist church near Tel Aviv. He is survived by three children and a large number of grandchildren, great grandchildren and great, great grandchildren.