Mike Kemper, director of missions, Lawrence County Baptist Association, based in Leoma, will retire July 31 and he and Kathy, his wife, will be thanked on July 24 at Leoma Baptist Church, Leoma, from 2-4 p.m. Kemper has served the association for three years. Formerly he was DOM, Gibson Baptist Association, based in Trenton, for seven years; and a missionary along with Kathy for the Southern Baptist International Mission Board to Romania, Costa Rica, and Argentina for 12 years. Kemper also was a pastor for 25 years, serving Green River Baptist Church, Waynesboro; White Hall Baptist Church, Trenton, and Childs Memorial Baptist Church, South Harriman. He also served two churches in Arkansas. He and Kathy will retire in Jackson.
Terrell Marcom has served Excell Baptist Church, Clarksville, as pastor for 20 years. He serves along with his wife Dana. “You have made and are making a difference in our lives, our children’s lives, and in the welfare of our community,” reported Michael Williams of the church.
Brian Prince, student pastor, First Baptist Church, Gallatin, has resigned effective June 26.
Vickie Clemons, ministry assistant, Tennessee Woman’s Missionary Union, was honored recently by the Tennessee Baptist Convention Executive Board staff, on five years of tenure. After the retirement of Linda Rader, administrative assistant, Tennessee WMU, who served 15 years, Clemons was named administrative assistant.
Jacob Newman has been called as youth minister, Siam Baptist Church, Elizabethton.
J.D. Bosheers has resigned as pastor, Mount Horeb Baptist Church, Ethridge.
David Gallaher has resigned as pastor of New Hope Baptist Church, Leoma. He is available for pulpit supply.
Marvin “Keith” Pryor Jr. has been called as interim pastor, Eastwood Baptist Church, Cookeville.
Rogers Creek Baptist Church, Athens, has called Jamie Lones as pastor. He formerly was pastor of Rogers Creek Baptist Church, Athens.
Oak Grove Baptist Church, Athens, has called Titus Snyder as pastor.
Union Hill Baptist Church, Athens, has called Jimmy Lewis as pastor.
Cynthia King and Carol Milam of First Baptist Church, Sevierville, are leading a missions team to Guatemala July 1-11. They will work with Bob Henriques of Camino Global Missions. For more information, contact King at 865-654-4875 or Milam at 865-851-4026.
Clear Creek Baptist Church, Crossville, and Pastor Chip Bond are enjoying the newly renovated parsonage. Many volunteers from Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association helped in this project.
Parkway Baptist Church, Goodlettsville, will hold its Basketball Camp July 11-14 for children grades 1-7. Picasso Simmons, a coach for an area middle school, will help lead it.
Mid-South Baptist Association, based in Memphis, will hold an Adventures in Missions Girls Camp July 5-9 at The Grove at Red Oak Lake. For more information, contact midsouthbaptist.com/wmu or 901-373-6161.
Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association, based in Crossville, and Sequatchie Valley Baptist Association, based in Whitwell, held its annual joint missions trip in May. The seven volunteers renovated flooded houses in Johnsonville, S.C., working with other Baptists. The volunteers enjoyed getting to know the homeowners and witnessing to them, reported Kirk Casey, director of missions, Cumberland Plateau Association. Plans are for the next rebuild project to be held Sept. 18-24. For more information, contact cpba4ma@gmail.com or 931-484-1858.
Holston Baptist Association, based in Johnson City, will hold Southern Baptist Seminary Extension courses in a three-year plan. The fall classes will include Genesis Part 1 taught by William Lunsford, pastor, Southside Baptist Church, Johnson City, and Old Testament Survey Part 1 with teacher to be announced. For more information contact kim@holstonbaptists.org or 423-929-1196.
Hamilton County Baptist Association, based in Chattanooga, will hold English as a Second Language Workshop Training Aug. 13 and 20. For more information, contact 423-267-3794 or hcba@baptistassociation.com.
William Carey Baptist Association, based in Fayetteville, will send a team to the Cincinnati, Ohio, area July 23-29 to help a church planter there. The effort is to support the Tennessee/Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio, Baptist Partnership. For more information, contact 931-433-3631 or wcba@fpunet.com.
Fayette Baptist Association, based in Somerville, is planning to plant a church to reach the 85 percent of unchurched people in its fast growing county, reported Charles Pratt, director of missions.
LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, will hold Living Proof Live with Beth Moore Aug. 5-6 at the Municipal Auditorium, Nashville. For more information, contact lifeway.com.
Carl F. Yarnell Jr., 89, former Southern Baptist missionary and pastor, died May 28 in Jefferson City. He served through the International Mission Board in Singapore, Malaysia, and Guam and was pastor of churches in California and Tennessee. Most recently Yarnell was a member of Buffalo Grove Baptist Church, Jefferson City. He is survived by his wife of 67 years Mary Pate, seven children including two informally adopted, five grandchildren, and five great grandchildren.