Tulip Grove Baptist Church, Old Hickory, will sponsor an invitational golf tournament on Monday, May 16, at Windtree Golf Course in Mount Juliet. The event begins with a shotgun start at 1:30 p.m., followed by an awards banquet at 5:30 p.m. Golfing great Lou Graham, winner of the 1975 U.S. Open and several other PGA tournaments, will attend the banquet and participate in a short question and answer session with Joey Hickman, director of golf and membership at Old Hickory Country Club. The cost is $300 per team or $75 per player. It is open to any golfer. For those who want to attend the banquet only, the cost is $10 but a reservation is needed. Hole sponsorships also are available. For more information, contact Richard Huffman at Proceeds from the event help fund missions trips and other ministries at the church.
Irving College Baptist Church, McMinnville, will hold a Truth Conference May 15-16. Emir Caner, a former Muslim who is now president of Truett-McConnell College, Cleveland, Ga., will speak. For more information, contact 931-668-2422 or
First Baptist Church, Bluff City, ministered to folks attending the spring race at Bristol Motor Speedway April 10-17 through Raceway Ministries and at a campground. About 15 members of the church served, reported Michael Pope, pastor of the church.
Robertsville Baptist Church, Oak Ridge, will celebrate its 70th anniversary on May 22. For more information, contact or 865-483-1316.
Smyrna Baptist Church, Evensville, will hold revival services May 22-25. Phil Glisson, evangelist of Memphis, will preach.
Ronald Paul Sorah, 80, retired pastor who lived in Calhoun, died April 18. He was pastor of Looney’s Chapel Baptist Church, Rogersville; Howes Chapel Baptist Church, Rogersville; Vernon Heights Baptist Church, Kingsport; and First Baptist Church, Calhoun, for 30 years. Then he was interim pastor, Michigan Avenue Baptist Church, Cleveland; and pastor, Stuart Park Baptist Church, Cleveland. Sorah also served in various capacities for the Tennessee Baptist Convention and McMinn-Meigs Baptist Association, based in Athens. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Margaret; four children including Joe of the Tennessee Baptist Convention staff; eight grandchildren; and six great grandchildren.
Mary Beth Carlson, 55, wife of Craig Carlson, pastor, Wildwood Baptist Church, Maryville, died April 17. She was secretary for East Maryville Baptist Church, Maryville, and First Baptist Church, Friendsville. As a minister’s wife, she played important roles at Wildwood Baptist and Madison Avenue Baptist Church, Maryville, where her husband also served. Besides her husband, she is survived by four children.
Gary Ray Higdon, 58, pastor, Brookhill Baptist Church, Etowah, died April 17. He was a minister for 30 years, having served as a pianist for several other churches. Higdon also was a high school English and math teacher for 25 years. He is survived by his wife Gail and a daughter.
R.C. Leming, 79, retired pastor, died March 27 in Maryville. He served as pastor, Parkway Baptist Church, Townsend, from which he retired in 2015, for about eight years. He also was pastor, Sundown Campground, Townsend, for 22 years. Leming also worked at Alcoa for 33 years. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Phyllis; two children; and one grandson.
The Baptist Collegiate Ministry of Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, was named the Student Organization of the Year on April 13 by the university. The BCM won among the 120 registered student organizations. The BCM also received the award in 2014. Stacy Murphree, who has been the BCM’s director for almost six years, reported that about 300 students are involved in its ministries each week. APSU has about 11,000 students.
Jason Harlin, former minister of music, Hillcrest Baptist Church, Lebanon, has been called as senior pastor, Barton’s Creek Baptist Church, Lebanon, effective April 24. He served Hillcrest Baptist for 11 years and has been a minister for a total of 16 years. Harlin will ordained to the ministry by the church on May 15 at 5 p.m. He is a graduate of Cumberland University, Lebanon, and Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va.
Jamison Work, lead pastor, Candies Creek Baptist Church, Charleston, has been called to work with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in the Middle East. His last day will be July 10. Work has served the church for almost 18 years. He also has been a member of the Tennessee Baptist Convention’s Executive Board, Credentials Committee, and Vision 2021 Strategic Planning Team. For the Southern Baptist Convention Work served on the Executive Committee, Resolutions Committee, and Committee on Committees. He currently is moderator of CrossNet Baptist Network, formerly the Bradley Baptist Association.
The King’s Academy of Harrison-Chilhowee Baptist Academy, Seymour, will hold graduation activities May 12-13. Speakers for the graduation include Neville Callam of Jamaica, Gbemi Akinboyo of Nigeria, and Moses Nyoro of Kenya. Callam is the general secretary of the Baptist World Alliance. Akinboyo is the mother of a student, works for the United Nations, and is married to a pastor. Finally, Nyoro is a teacher and administrator for an international school in Nairobi. For more information, contact 865-573-8321 or
Union Baptist Association, based in Sparta, will host a Pastor Training Clinic on the Every Believer a Witness approach to evangelism on May 12. For more information, contact 931-738-3250.