Glen Cummings, pastor, Madison Avenue Baptist Church, Maryville, has resigned effective Dec. 18.
Will McReynolds was called as pastor, West Hills Baptist Church, Lebanon, effective Nov. 6. He comes to the church from Blue Springs Baptist Church, Rutledge.
First Baptist Church, Maryville, has called Bill Booth as pastor effective Dec. 4. He formerly was pastor of a church in Virginia.
W. Luther Carlisle, 90, a former pastor and camp director, died recently in Memphis. He was pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Bartlett, and Kensington Baptist Church, Memphis. Carlisle was director of Camp Cordova which was operated by Shelby County Baptist Association (now Mid-South Baptist Association), metropolitan Memphis. Carlisle also was founding pastor of a church in Louisiana and operated Carlisle Enterprises, a property management firm. Recently he was a member of Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova. Carlisle is survived by four children and seven grandchildren.
The next Associational Youth Revival meeting of William Carey Baptist Association will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at Maranatha Baptist Church, Fayetteville. For more information, contact 931-433-3631 or wcba@fpunet.com.
The Bivocational Ministers and Wives Retreat of the Tennessee Baptist Convention will be held Jan. 26-28 at the Music Road Hotel and Convention Center. For more information, contact John Parrott of the TBC staff at jparrott@tnbaptist.org or 423-921-2488.