Clark Street Baptist Church, Johnson City, unanimously voted Sept. 10 to call Randy Hommel as pastor. He is a Kingsport native who recently returned to the area after serving as pastor of Bel-Aire Baptist Church, Gulfport, Miss.
Jere Phillips will lead a “Preaching and Teaching Through the January Bible Study” on Nov. 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the Wilson County Baptist Association office at 317 W. Spring Street in Lebanon. The January Bible Study is First Peter: Living As Strangers In A Secular World.
Bowmantown Baptist Church, Jonesborough, recently sponsored a Deer Hunting Expo with Brian Hollaway as the featured speaker. There were 26 professions of faith and 52 people rededicated their lives to Christ.
Shady Grove Baptist Church, Somerville, will hold revival services Nov. 5-8 with guest evangelist Jimmy Breedlove. The Sunday service begins at 11 a.m. while the Monday-Wednesday services begin at 7 p.m.
Morris Memorial Baptist Church, Moscow, held its annual homecoming celebration on Oct. 15 with guest preacher Jimmy Rowland. The church will hold revival services Nov. 12-15 with Danny Sinquefield, pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Bartlett.
Lincoln Park Baptist Church, Knoxville, recently ordained three new deacons — Mack Sanders, Charley Dodson, and Burl McWhirter. John Holland gave the charge to the church while James Robertson gave the charge to the candidates and new pastor Trey Black prayed the ordination prayer.
Mack’s Grove Baptist Church, Dresden, recently held revival with evangelist Floyd “Lammie” Lammersfeld. There were 12 professions of faith and several rededications.
Sinking Creek Baptist Church, Johnson City, will hold its third annual Christmas and Craft Show on Saturday, Nov. 11, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the church’s Family Life Center to raise funds for missions. Admission is free.