David Ward has been called as pastor of C3 Cornerstone Cowboy Church in Columbia. He has been in the ministry for more than 20 years and has been in pastoral ministry since 2012. An Army veteran, Ward is the past moderator of Maury Baptist Association, based in Columbia. The cowboy church meets each Sunday at 10 a.m. at the Maury County Park Exhibit Building.
Marty Trivette recently was licensed to preach at Little Doe Baptist Church, Butler.
Jerry Cornett has been called as pastor of Stoney Creek Baptist Church, Elizabethton.
Williston Baptist Church, Williston, has called Chris Pulliam as pastor.
Jim Thomas was ordained into the ministry Aug. 11 by Paynes Baptist Church, Estill Springs.
Camden Nephew has been called as minister of students at Maplewood Baptist Church, Paris.
Medical personnel, music worshipers and preachers are needed to partner with Revive City Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, for a medical clinic/block party on Sept. 28. Tennessee Baptists currently have a partnership with churches in the Cincinnati area. Kirk Kirkland, pastor of Revive City Church, and his wife were featured recently in the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering prayer pamphlet. This will be the fourth year the church has provided care with the NAMB medical/dental mobile units. In addition to volunteers with medical experience, pastors and others are needed for spiritual counseling with patients. For more information, contact Carolyn Demonbreun at 615-585-2299.
Shiloh Baptist Church, Nashville, will have revival services Sept. 29-Oct. 2, beginning at 6:33 p.m. each evening. Featured speakers will include John Keller (Sept. 29), Steve Hayes (Sept. 30), Ken Clayton (Oct. 1), and John Green (Oct. 2). For more information, visit myshilohbaptist.org.
New Middleton Baptist Church, Gordonsville, will hold revival services Sept. 15-18 at 6:30 p.m. Shayne Raye will be guest evangelist while Travis Peach will lead the music.
Rome Baptist Church, Lebanon, will have revival services Sept. 22-25 with guest evangelist Phil Glisson of Memphis.
Calvary Baptist Church, Elizabethton, celebrated its 90th anniversary on Aug. 25. The church also has called Rick Osborne as worship leader.
Chinquapin Grove Baptist Church, Bluff City, will hold revival services Sept. 29-Oct. 2 with guest evangelist Jerry Lowrie. Services will be held at 8:45 and 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 29, and 7 p.m. on Sept. 30-Oct. 2
Tenna Mackley Eades, 91, of Johnson City died Aug. 26. She formerly served as financial secretary for Holston Baptist Association. Eades loved missions and was involved in the ministry of Central Baptist Church, Johnson City, where she was a member since 1977.
Glenna Jean Davis of Piney Flats died Aug. 20. She served alongside her husband of 56 years, Allen Davis, at Piney Flats First Baptist Church where she was church secretary and organist. She is survived by her husband, two children and four grandchildren.